How Dare He??!! B.C. MLA Under Fire For Saying “Motherhood Begins At Conception”
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A B.C. Conservative MLA came under fire for saying “motherhood begins at conception” causing an uproar and a response from the party's leader who says he "will not reopen the abortion debate."
John Rustad issued a statement and posted to social media Thursday after the BC NDP called on his party to clarify its stance on the right to choose in light of a statement made by Bruce Banman at the legislature…
"Moms are the embodiment of love, strength and sacrifice. From the moment of conception through the journey of pregnancy and childbirth and throughout the myriad of challenges and triumphs that follow, mothers serve as the nurturing force that sustains life and shapes our future," the Abbotsford South MLA said as part of his remarks ahead of Mother's Day.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reports on the state of the sanctity of life.
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