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John Rustad is an elected member of the legislative assembly in British Columbia and he was told to “choose another question” by the premiere of BC David Eby after concerns were raised about BC’s SOGI 123 program in schools (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity).
The premiere lambasted Rustad by stating “To come into this place, to use the authority of his office, his new party, to find a small group of kids in our province, to leverage all of that to make them feel less safe in school, less safe in our community, to feed the fires of division in our province and bring culture war to British Columbia, it is not welcome”.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why this is proof that democracy is a sham and more importantly if that’s the case, what’s the alternative?
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Pierre Poilievre Learns From Dan Dicks About “SOGI” And Is Also Asked To “Define A Woman”!!!
The Democracy Deception Part 2 – What’s The Alternative?
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