It is a storytime again... I didn't publish videos from this series for a while, and I didn't record any recently, but I found this one in my basement, behind one good old wine... :) Just kidding, the video was recorded a month or more ago, but the message is still valid... As a matter of fact, the message will be valid in the future, and always...
Yes, it is a great thing to have confidence, to have self-esteem, as it can help you a lot when you starting something new, or if you are doing something for a long time... But, there is no person who didn't have doubts in a certain period of life... We all have them... Someone more often, others may be fewer times, but we have them... Doubts can be good, as sometimes we need to take a step back and try to look at the bigger picture... But, doubts can be very bad also, as they can ruin things that we have been building for a long time...
Please check out the video, and maybe you will recognize some things that I have mentioned, and maybe it will help you to deal with doubts next time when you have them...
Thank you for your valuable time,
Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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