I suppose that I have always had a problem with the authorities... I don't mean that I was in trouble with the police, or something similar... I think in the way that "authorities" try to push their "story" and make it like YOUR story... The thumbnail for this post says a lot about my opinion on choices...
You have the official "narrative", or view, or what you should hear and accept... And usually, that narrative offers you some "solutions" for your problems (check out commercials on TV and you will figure out what I'm thinking about)... Also, you can probably guess that there is NO OTHER option than that one (or two... just added there as an illusion of making a choice)!
All that served for you from a big box... Your TV, your computer monitor, your mobile screen... From a box... What an irony?
And the only thing that you have to do is... TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX
Don't forget to check out the video...
Thank you for your valuable time,
Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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