I would like to thanks @jangle for the inspiration to create this vlog... She has created a video about her participation in Hive Power Up day, and talk about more things inside it... I was talking about posts that look like an ordinary, "easy talk" ones, are sometimes hiding a much deeper message... So, don't skip this one, as it was awesome... :)
Now, the thing that triggered me inside Janelle's video was when she talked about the "people who see Hive for what it is"... That was especially interesting for me, as I have received one "negative-based comment" (can't say it's negative, it was more from a different side) when I have realized that not all the people look and see the Hive as I do...
As a matter of fact, not too many people really see the potential of this awesome blockchain (as Janelle also said)... The majority sees it like a blogging platform where you can earn some money by creating blog posts... Yes, it is that, but it is much more... That is like 5% of the potential that it has...
Being consistent, persistent, and stubborn in learning and understanding the Hive, your vision will be wider, and you will become The Neo of Hive...
In the end, I would like to make an update of my current numbers (September 1st, 2020 - monthly target 85%) on #MyHiveGoals:
HIVE POWER - 15,958 / 20,000 79.79%
CTP POWER - 122,807 / 150,000 81.87%
HIVE Followers - 321 / 333 96.39%
LBRY Followers - 1034 / 1,500 68.93%
Another month of the #MyHiveGoals is down, less than 4 months to go... Almost all numbers are going fairly good, except LBRY followers, which I blame the platform, as they didn't have growth that I have planned for them... :) But, as I already said, LBRY doesn't ask money, and it takes only a couple of minutes daily for upload, so I will not stop publishing there...
Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here: https://peakd.com/myhivegoals/@robwillmann/new-challenge-myhivegoals-set-and-achieve-your-goals
Thank you for your time,
Link to my initial post is here
These are my initial (and starting) goals for 2020 on June 1st, 2020 and this #MyHiveGoals Challenge
HIVE POWER - 12,092 / 20,000 60.46%
CTP POWER - 98,148 / 150,000 65.43%
HIVE Followers - 222 / 333 66.67%
LBRY Followers - 648 / 1,500 43.20%
Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Don't forget to follow, reblog and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!
You can find me on ClickTrackProfit .:. Twitter .:. LBRY
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