Desde hace tiempo, veníamos charlando con Héctor (@hosgug), sobre la posibilidad de hacer un pódcast deportivo, que estimo en el futuro será un video pódcast y gracias a que los planetas se alinearon, salió su primer capítulo, y para nuestra sorpresa, superando nuestras propias expectativas. Ahora esperamos ver, el nivel de interacción que generemos.
! [English]
For some time now, we have been talking with Héctor (@hosgug) about the possibility of making a sports podcast, which I believe in the future will be a video podcast, and thanks to the planets aligning, the first chapter came out, and to our surprise, surpassing our own expectations. Now we wait to see the level of interaction we generate.
Por sugerencia de Héctor y como corresponde, en este primer capítulo, quisimos presentarnos y contar algunas de nuestras experiencias deportivas, además de un sinfín de temas, que como tertulias de dos apasionados, intentamos hacerlo lo más breve posible, porque si fuera por nosotros, no terminábamos más.
! [English]
At Héctor's suggestion and as it corresponds, in this first chapter, we wanted to introduce ourselves and tell some of our sporting experiences, as well as an endless number of topics, which as gatherings of two passionate people, we tried to make it as brief as possible, because if it were up to us, we would not finish any more.
El objetivo es abarcar prácticamente todo el espectro deportivo y seguramente, en el futuro, incorporaremos invitados, de manera que cada encuentro resulte enriquecedor para todo el ecosistema de #Hive y en particular, para toda nuestra amada comunidad #FullDeportes.
Rogamos nos dejen, sus críticas, comentarios, siempre en pos de crecer como creadores de contenidos.
No leemos, en la casilla, para tal fin.
! [English]
The goal is to cover practically the entire sports spectrum and surely, in the future, we will incorporate guests, so that each meeting is enriching for the entire #Hive ecosystem and in particular, for all our beloved #FullDeportes community.
Please leave us, your criticisms, comments, always in pursuit of growing as content creators.
We do not read, in the box, for that purpose.
! [English]Credits to the logos of Hive, Threespeak and Fulldeportes.
Credits Hector @hosgug, for letting me share images.
I shoot the videos with my Xaomi Note 8 cell phone and my GoPro Hero.
I use Zoom for the video call, in its free version.
"Music intro: 100% own creation free of all copyrights".
I do the subtitling through CupCut Pro.
The video editor I use is CupCut Pro.
I edit the photos with Canva Pro
I correct my texts, with Languagetool free version.
My native language is not English, that's why I use: deepl translator
! [English]
I invite you to promote our personal brand and obviously, the beautiful #Hive ecosystem, in all social networks.
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