En nuestro primer episodio, debemos reconocer que estábamos un tanto nerviosos; Por suerte, en el segundo, nos liberamos un poco más. Esperemos que en esta tercer entrega, comencemos a plasmar la idea original de nuestro pódcast. Esa idea está impregnada, en el título del mismo, Deportes: El Sonido de las edades.
! [English]
In our first episode, we must admit that we were a bit nervous; fortunately, in the second, we freed up a bit more. Hopefully, in this third installment, we will begin to capture the original idea of our podcast. That idea is impregnated in its title, Sports: The Sound of Ages.
Esta semana, hablamos de ciclismo en general y gracias a las pertinentes preguntas de Héctor (@hosgug), estimamos que salió un contenido loable y esperemos sumar valor en sus vidas.
Agradeciendo nuevamente por vuestro cariño manifestado, esperamos que disfruten del episodio #3 de nuestro pódcast.
No leemos, en la casilla, para tal fin.
! [English]
This week, we talked about cycling in general and thanks to the pertinent questions from Héctor (@hosgug), we believe that we came up with some commendable content and hopefully it will add value to your lives.
- Remember, that we are just two fans of the sport in general and the opinions expressed, are merely that "opinions".
Thanking you again for your love, we hope you enjoy episode #3 of our podcast.
We do not read, in the box, for that purpose.
! [English]Credits to the logos of Hive, Threespeak and Fulldeportes.
Credits Hector @hosgug, for letting me share images.
I shoot the videos with my Xaomi Note 8 cell phone and my GoPro Hero.
I use Zoom for the video call, in its free version.
"Music intro: 100% own creation free of all copyrights".
I do the subtitling through CupCut Pro.
The video editor I use is CupCut Pro.
I edit the photos with Canva Pro
I correct my texts, with Languagetool free version.
My native language is not English, that's why I use: deepl translator
Pixabay Resources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
! [English]
I invite you to promote our personal brand and obviously, the beautiful #Hive ecosystem, in all social networks.
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