Dolphin bay🐬🧠 / Bahia de delfines😍🌊 (en-es)


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    Published on Sep 16, 2022
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    If I could choose between my favorite aquatic animals without a doubt the Dolphin would be among the first, these animals besides being very cute are one of the most intelligent on the planet, they have a very complex social structure and few know but they not only use sounds to communicate They also do it through physical contact just like we do when we want to express something! Join me in this post to learn more about these aquatic mammals!😍🐬🐬

    Si pudiera escoger entre mis animales acuaticos preferidos sin duda el Delfin estaria entre los primeros, estos animales ademas de ser muy lindos son uno de los mas inteligentes del planeta, tiene una estructura social muy compleja y pocos saben pero ellos no solo utilizacion sonidos para comunicarse tambien lo hacen por medio del contacto fisico tal como nosotros lo hacemos cuando queremos expresar algo! acompañame en este post para aprender mas sobre estos mamiferos acuaticos!👨‍💻🧠😱

    Cute animals😍🥰 / Lindos animales🙇‍♂️🐬

    For me they have to be the most beautiful in nature after the birds of course! these animals are grouped in a total of 40 species, almost all of them inhabit the ocean and a small amount in fresh water exactly in rivers! Have you seen a dolphin turning its head? actually it doesn't happen because its "neck" doesn't have mobility, we are mammals with limbs for dolphins it was an incredible adaptation to turn them into "fins".😱🧠🦾(2)
    Para mi tienen que ser los mas lindos de la naturaleza despues de las aves por supuesto! estos animales estan agrupados en un total de 40 especies, casi todos ellos habitan el oceano y una pequeña cantidad en agua dulce exactamente en rios! habias visto un delfin girando su cabeza? en realidad no sucede porque su "cuello" no tiene movilidad, nosotros somos mamiferos con extremidades para los delfines fue una adaptacion increible convertirlas en "aletas".(2)😍😱🧠

    loyal and protective🐬😍💞

    These are one of those activities that, despite not being cheap, are worth doing in summer, it is a very pleasant sensation to feel the wind from the River on your face and the cold to be counteracted by the sun... NO COMPARISON!! It also gives you that advantage of having privacy and a peaceful day away from the crowd of tourists in Lisbon.🙋‍♂️🤩👸

    Estas son de aquellas actividades que apesar de no ser economicas valen la pena hacerlas en verano, es una sensacion demasiado agradable sentir el viento del Rio en rostro y el frio ser contrarrestado por el sol... SIN COMPARACION!! ademas te da esa ventaja de tener privacidad y un dia pacifico alejado de la multitud de turistas de Lisboa🌎🙇‍♂️

    As a Biologist I will always be in the position that animals are happier in nature than inside some pools! however in this article there is a zoo in Spain that did some experiments where they evaluated the cortisol levels of some dolphins to measure the "stress level" within the park and the results showed that the animals were NOT stressed when they were in captivity! you are the one who has the final voice, when I want to see dolphins I pay a boat and we go to see them in the wild, it is a very nice experience! (3)🧠🐬👨‍💻
    Como Biologo siempre estare en la posicion que los animales son mas felices en la naturaleza que dentro de algunas piscinas! sin embargo en este articulo hay un zoologico en España que hizo algunos experimentos donde evaluaban los niveles de cortisol de algunos delfines para medir el "nivel de estress" dentro del parque y los resultados demostraban que los animales NO se estresaban cuando estaban en cautiverio! tu eres quien tiene la voz final, yo cuando quiero ver delfines pago un bote y vamos a verlos en habitad salvaje es una experiencia muy linda! (3)🛑👨‍🏫👨‍🎓

    Dolphins are characterized by having reduced eye orbits, their teeth are "cone" shaped and of course a quite long snout in relation to the body! Echolocation is a form of navigation for dolphins. What they do is emit waves that bounce off "underwater objects." When that wave bounces, the animal manages to measure distances and even detect prey! the smallest dolphins measure 1.7 meters, orcas could also be called dolphins and are the largest with 9.5 meters and 10 tons of weight (2)😱👨‍🏫
    Los delfines se caracterizan por tener orbitas oculares reducidas, sus dientes son en forma de "cono" y claro un hocico bastante largo en relacion al cuerpo! la ecolocacion es una forma de navegacion de los delfines lo que hacen es emitir ondas que rebotan con "objetos debajo del agua" cuando esa onda rebota el animal consigue medir distancias y hasta detectar presas! los delfines mas pequeños miden 1,7metros, las orcas tambien podrian llamarse delfines y son las mas grandes con 9.5 metros y 10 toneladas de peso (2)📚🧠

    What do they feed on?🐬🐟🐠

    Depending on the habitat where they are, the dolphins have different diets, they can eat from small fish such as "cod", cephalopods such as squid, and orcas can be large predators and feed on seals! BUT NOT ALL KILLER WHALES KILL SEALS, it depends on the habitat where it is!🙋‍♂️🐟🐬🦑🐋(1,2)

    Dependiendo el habitat donde esten los delfines tienen dietas diferentes, pueden comer desde peces pequeños como "bacalao", cefalopodos como calamares, y las orcas pueden ser grandes depredadores y se alimentan de focas! PERO NO TODAS LAS BALLENAS ASESINAS MATAN focas, depende en el habitat donde este!🌎🙇‍♂️(1,2)

    Few know but these animals are practically in any "body of water" and we can find them from rivers to salt water, so much so that there is a species of dolphin in every ocean in the world! in Biology they could be classified as "cosmopolitan" species, that is, they are "everywhere" and it is because dolphins have no limits and tend to travel great distances, even passing between "different oceans".(1,2)🌏🌊
    Pocos saben pero estos animales estan practicamente en cualquier "cuerpo de agua" y podemos encontrarlos desde rios hasta agua salada, tanto asi que hay una especie de delfin en cada oceano del mundo! en Biologia podrian clasificarse como especies "cosmopolitas" osea estan en "todos lados" y es porque los delfines no tienen limites y acostumbran a viajar grandes distancias incluso pasar entre "diferentes oceanos".(1,2)🕵️‍♂️🐬🐋

    Problems in cetaceans??🛑😱 / Problemas en los cetaceos??🙇‍♂️🐬

    Among the common problems that threaten cetaceans, "incidental" fishing stands out, as well as indiscriminate hunting and capture, and of course metal and chemical contamination of bodies of water! in the long term climate change will also affect the behavior of animals!👨‍🏫👨‍💻
    Entre los problemas comunes que amenazan a los cetaceos se destaca la pesca "incidental", la caza y captura indiscriminada y por supuesto la contaminacion con metales y quimicos a los cuerpos de agua! a largo plazo el cambio climatico tambien afectara el comportamiento de los animales!⭕🤯


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    The scientific descriptions of the cetaceans were extracted from the cited pages and use is made of: "" for direct citation extraction! each paragraph is numbered with the quote mentioned!

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