"Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra" cover by ocuartamusic


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    Published on Feb 17, 2022
    About :

    Hola hola amigos de Hive, el día de hoy quise atreverme a hacer algo diferente, es por eso que les traje por primera vez un cover en inglés, esta vez de la canción "Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra". La cual me gusta mucho por su estilo antiguo y nostálgico.

    Hello hi friends from Hive, today I wanted to dare to do something different, that's why I brought you a cover in English for the first time, this time of the song "Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra". Which I really like for its old and nostalgic style.

    Letra de la canción:

    lyrics of the song

    Fly me to the moon
    Let me play among the stars
    Let me see what spring is like on
    A-Jupiter and Mars
    In other words, hold my hand
    In other words, baby, kiss me
    Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore
    You are all I long for
    All I worship and adore
    In other words, please be true
    In other words, I love you
    Fill my heart with song
    Let me sing forevermore
    You are all I long for, all I worship and adore
    In other words, please be true
    In other words
    In other words
    I love you

    Gracias por su atención, espero les haya gustado mi cover el cual hice con mucho cariño y dedicación, les mando un abrazo hasta la próxima.

    Thank you for your attention, I hope you liked my cover which I did with love and dedication, I send you a hug until next time.

    Tags :

    #music #livemusic #musicforlife #palnet #ocd #creativecoin #musicinhive #community #proofofbrain #sing #coversong #spanish

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