Hello friends, welcome to today's vlog. Today is Monday. Exams are starting for children from today. I went to school. Today the children had to take their first paper. So I also had to do a lot of work. Papers were to be prepared for the children. So I went to school early. Then I wrote the names of all the children in the paper. Then the children came and prayed. Then the children were seated in the class. Then the attendance was completed and the children gave their papers. Children came very well prepared. So children found the paper very easy. Children started writing papers. Children were writing papers very well. Then after completing the paper, the children were seated for breakfast. The children were very hungry. Then everyone was seated in the classroom for breakfast. Children are given breakfast from school. Today was dalbhat. Children started eating. Then the children sat in the classroom for a while and the school was dismissed. When she left, the parents of the children came to pick her up. Then I started my work. Children's papers were also to be checked. When I started checking the paper, the children wrote the paper very well. Most of the children could. Then we also had to go home from school so I also came home from there. Ending today's vlog here.
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