Hello friends, good morning everyone. Hope everyone has a good day today. Today I woke up early in the morning. After getting fresh, I went to the street of my village. It was morning time. The sun god was also appearing. The village road was also very good. All around the fields were seen full of greenery. Bikes, people etc. were also passing on the road. I also like to go to such a beautiful nature place in the morning. It was also getting cold. My friend also came with me. It was morning time so everyone was going from there. But there was a lot of plastic lying around. Plastic was also lying near the farm. If the road in our village is dirty, it can harm the health of the people passing through it. No one was seen cleaning such public places. But such a place should be cleaned first. The health of road users should be kept in mind and the surrounding farm should also be kept in mind. Plastic can damage the crops grown in the field. Changes in the environment are also being seen due to plastic. Somas are also experienced in the winter season. It starts raining and sometimes it feels cold. All this is seen because of plastic. Plastic is very harmful for everyone. So such a place should be kept clean. I went to such a beautiful place today and completed the cleaning work.
@solarisfuture @cleanplanet @resonator
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