Hello Clean Planet Lovers !!
Today I woke up with friends at around 8 in the morning. I was not feeling well last night because I had fever. Last night, as soon as I came back from work at Clean Planet, I suddenly got fever and my health became very bad, so because of that I was not associated with Clean Planet last night. As soon as I woke up in the morning, I saw posts from the Clean Planet community. I commented the whole post. I was not able to upload my own post yesterday, so I was preparing the post also.
We have to take some decisions in life, if we do not take those decisions at the right time then we have to pay a bad price for it, because of this we should take any decision at the right time. I am telling this because I have not taken many such decisions on time. Let me tell you that many of my decisions were taken when a good opportunity came my way. Which gives me regrets even today. That's why I became very cautious after that, due to which now I always think of taking the right decisions at the right time.
Today I went to Nyay Mandir with friends to work on the Clean Planet Project. Let me tell you that this place is in the city. Which is a place in the middle of the city. I enjoyed this place a lot, many people come here to buy essential things and many people come here to save things. Then I started the work of Clean Planet on the roadside. Today I started collecting all the garbage from the roadside. I put all the garbage lying everywhere in my bag and threw it in the dustbin of my house.
This is how I finished today's Clean Planet work. I enjoyed it a lot today. Which is a matter of great happiness for me. I hope you liked this post of mine.
Thank you !!
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