Hive Music Festival Week 117 - Round 3 // Square Hammer (Bass Cover) By @musicandreview


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    Published on Jan 09, 2025
    About :

    These are quite complicated days in my country, there is a lot of uncertainty in the environment and frankly that has me a little distracted and anxious, but as there are things that are out of our hands, there is no choice but to continue doing what we can. Sometimes it is inevitable to fall into this vicious circle of generalized anxiety, believe me many of us try to ignore the situation, but it is something very big what is currently at stake in my country and in that sense it is totally impossible to ignore the terrible things that are happening around us, but well, this is not a post to talk about how I feel or the situation of my country, so let's go with the musical issue.

    Today I bring a song from a very interesting band, the Swedish Ghost have a very particular style as they can have songs with heavy metal, but also others very pop rock style. I don't like this band at all, but I listen to some of their catchiest songs and “Square Hammer” is one of those. One of the things that caught my attention about this song is its lyrics, more specifically the chorus, in short, it talks about someone trying to swear before the devil, of course, this doesn't mean that I'm interested in those matters haha, but it seems to me that the way they composed that part of the song rhymes pretty well.


    Son días bastante complicados en mi país, hay mucha incertidumbre en el ambiente y francamente eso me tiene un poco distraído y angustiado, pero como hay cosas que se escapan de nuestras manos pues no queda más opción que seguir haciendo lo que se puede. A veces es inevitable caer en éste círculo vicioso de ansiedad generalizada, créanme que muchos intentamos ignorar la situación, pero es algo muy grande lo que se está jugando actualmente mi país y en ese sentido es totalmente imposible ignorar las terribles cosas que están pasando a nuestro alrededor, pero bueno, éste no es un post para hablar de cómo me siento ni de la situación de mi país, así que vamos con el asunto musical.

    Hoy traigo una canción de una banda bastante interesante, los suecos Ghost tienen un estilo muy particular ya que pueden tener canciones con heavy metal, pero también otras muy al estilo pop rock. Esta banda no es de mi entero agrado, pero escucho algunas de sus canciones más pegajosas y “Square Hammer” es una de esas. Una de las cosas que más me llamó la atención de ésta canción es su letra, más específicamente el coro, en resumen, habla de alguien que intenta juramentarse ante él diablo, claro que, no quiere decir esto que yo esté interesado en esos asuntos jaja, pero me parece que la forma en la compusieron esa parte de la canción rima bastante bien.



    Living in the night
    "'Neath devils" torn asunder
    You call on me to solve a crooked rhyme
    As I'm closing in
    Imposing on your slumber
    You call on me as bells begin to chime

    Are you on the square?
    Are you on the level?
    Are you ready to swear right here, right now
    Before the devil
    That you're on the square
    That you're on the level
    That you're ready to stand right here, right now
    Right here, right now

    Hiding from the light
    Sacrificing nothing
    Still, you call on me for entrance to the shrine
    Hammering the nails
    Into a sacred coffin
    You call on me for powers clandestine

    Are you on the square?
    Are you on the level?
    Are you ready to swear right here, right now
    Before the devil
    That you're on the square
    That you're on the level
    That you're ready to stand right here, right now
    Right here, right now

    Are you on the square?
    Are you on the level?
    Are you ready to swear right here, right now
    Before the devil
    That you're on the square
    That you're on the level
    That you're ready to stand right here, right now
    Right here, right now

    Right here, right now
    Right here, right now
    Right here, right now
    Right here, right now

    For this cover I used a pretty basic but effective bass effect, I have learned that sometimes it is not good to overdo it with sound effects so as not to deviate too much from the essence of the songs, the result as far as I'm concerned was quite satisfactory. As I have already mentioned, I edit the songs to make them more shareable, I know that the time of each of you is limited, but don't worry, believe me you will be able to hear the best of the song, a big hug to all of you!

    Para éste cover usé un efecto de bajo bastante básico, pero efectivo, he aprendido que a veces no es bueno exagerar con efectos de sonido para no desviarnos mucho de la esencia de las canciones, el resultado en lo que a mí respecta fue bastante satisfactorio. Como ya he mencionado, edito las canciones para hacerlas más compartas, sé que el tiempo de cada uno de ustedes es limitado, pero no se preocupen, créanme que podrán escuchar lo mejor de la canción. ¡Un fuerte abrazo para todos!



    - Band: Ghost
    - Track
    - Lyrics Source

    -Used tools/Herramientas usadas:

    - Video recorded with: Samsung Galaxy A32
    - Video edited with: CapCut
    - Main image edited with: PowerPoint 2016
    - Translator: DeepL Translate


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