Hello! Welcome to the seventh episode of the Movies & TV Shows Community podcast.
Moving on from the topic of genres, in this episode our hosts discuss the tricky and controversial topic of child actors; an area of the industry that is often ignored despite the many worries regarding the impacts such a demanding industry can have.
Our hosts discuss the many child actors of which have came and went, but also those that have managed to stick around or return to the screen.
As always, we hope you enjoy the episode.
Do you want to contribute to the Movies & TV Shows Community Podcast? We're always looking for community members to showcase and have participate in our episodes. Our aim is to showcase more of you, and to get to know you better, leading to more outreach, engagement, and ultimately better manual curation within the community.
In addition, we're looking for contributors that speak either English or Spanish. By contributing, you'll be given a portion of the episode's rewards. Drop by our Discord and contact one of the Moderators.
The Movies & TV Shows Community Podcast is also uploaded to Odysee/LBRY at a later date. Follow us over there if that's more your thing.
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Special thanks to the following contributors of this episode:
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