Hello greetings to all once again, today I want to talk a little about my experience in the Caracas Blockchain Week that I will be abbreviating with its acronym CBW, I clarify that this post and video will be more of the blogger type where I express all the emotions I felt when I was At this event when I thought I couldn't be there , being able to meet several people with whom I wanted to share from Hivers and related people such as Blockchain communities would be an exceptional opportunity.
HIVE would be present at the event along with other projects, including exchanges, metaverses, banks, fintechs, art, digital mining and much more, which made me feel a little discouraged not being able to attend and live the experience of being able to share with everyone, the reason for my possible absence and I say possible absence because if I really manage to attend even if it is for the end is that I did not have the money to pay for tickets, lodging and everything that includes attending an event that is not in your city.
Resigned that I would not be able to attend the event, I proposed a couple of activities so as not to feel overwhelmed by not being in the place, including creating written publications for 30 days, also doing a LIVE among my community for November 05, which would be the day of my birthday. Life takes many turns since a subscriber found out that he could not attend the event and decided to donate the travel money to me to be able to attend.
At the last moment everything was given so that I could attend the CBW and I even received support from HIVE on the spot. It was really an exceptional experience for me to be able to meet more Hivers and lovers of cryptocurrencies and to be in the place I wanted to be on my birthday is priceless.
I would like to show you a bit of my experience, but don't worry that the next video will be more formal, think that this is a pre-video so as not to put together two different things between what the CBW was and my personal experience of what I lived and I felt at the event.


Hola saludos a todos una vez mas, hoy quiero hablar un poco de mi experiencia en la Caracas Blockchain Week que estaré abreviando con sus siglas de CBW, aclaro que este post y vídeo sera mas del tipo blogger donde exprese todas las emociones que sentí al poder estar en este evento cuando yo creí que ya no podría estar, poder conocer a varias personas con las cuales quería compartir desde Hivers y personas relacionadas como comunidades Blockchains seria una oportunidad excepcional.
HIVE estaría presente en el evento junto a otros proyectos, entre exchanges, metaversos, bancos, fintechs, arte, minería digital y mucho mas, lo que me hacia sentir un poco desanimada al no poder asistir y vivir la experiencia de poder compartir con todos, la razón de mi posible ausencia y digo posible ausencia ya que realmente si logre asistir aunque sea para el final es que no poseía el dinero para costear pasajes, hospedaje y todo lo incluye asistir a un evento que no esta en tu ciudad.
Resignada que no podría asistir al evento me propuse un par de actividades para no sentirme abrumada por no estar en el lugar, entre ellas crear publicaciones escritas durante 30 días, también hacer un LIVE entre mi comunidad para e 05 de Noviembre que seria el día de mi cumpleaños. La vida da muchas vueltas ya que un suscriptor se entero que no podría asistir al evento y decidió donarme el dinero de los viáticos para poder asistir.
En el ultimo momento todo se dio para que pudiera asistir a la CBW y hasta recibí apoyo de HIVE en el lugar. Realmente para mi fue un experiencia excepcional poder asistir conocer a mas Hivers y amantes de las criptomonedas y estar de cumpleaños justo en el lugar que quería estar no tiene precio.
Me gustaría mostrarle un poco de mi experiencia, pero no se preocupen que el próximo vídeo si sera mas formal, piensa que este es pre-vídeo para no juntar dos cosas distintas entre lo que fue la CBW y mi experiencia personal de lo que viví y sentí en el evento.

Support material in the making of the video / Material de apoyo en la realización del vídeo
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Starting The Day With Energy by MusicLFiles
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8040-starting-the-day-with-energy
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://cemmusicproject.wixsite.com/musiclibraryfiles
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Happy Calm Intro 45 by TaigaSoundProd
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10032-happy-calm-intro-45
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://linktr.ee/taigasoundprod
Cumpleaños iconos creados por Freepik - Flaticon
Fuegos artificiales iconos creados por Dai - Flaticon

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