🍕#PizzaGate Part 29: Pool Entertainment Luzzatto Email


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    Published on Feb 07, 2022
    About :

    In #PizzaGate Part 29 I go over the infamous “Pool Entertainment” email found in the WikiLeaks batch of John Podesta’s “leaked” emails. The email is from Tamera Luzzatto and send out to a group of Washington DC power brokers and lobbyists, including John Podesta. In the email she invites them to a pool party at a Lovettsville farm but obscurely mentions that 3 children (Ruby, Emma, and Maeve) will be Ubered as “further entertainment” while specifying their ages. This email is very strange, and gets stranger as Tech Lobbyist Drew Littman jokes about affairs and running for Speaker of the House, at about the same time the Dennis Hastert abuse scandal was being publicized; and these jokes were within the Pool Entertainment email exchange!

    While the email exchange alone is bizarre enough, what’s even more disturbing is several blogs found by online researchers that clearly show Tamera Luzzatto with her 3 alleged grandchildren, the ones mentioned in the email. Each blog is dedicated solely to a specific baby, namely a baby named Evelyn (“Evie’s Crib”) and a baby named Jack (“jack’s place”). Evelyn is claimed to be cousins with the 3 children in the email exchange. While just the blogs raise alarm bells as to why there are hundreds of PUBLIC posts dedicated solely to a baby, this is not even the most disturbing part. The most disturbing part of the blogs is in the tagline of every page of Evie’s Crib, which has the innuendo about “spending time with her online, raw and uncut”… Jack is a baby initially mentioned in the Evie blog as being “owned” by a couple that live near by the “parents” of Evie, supposedly those running her blog. Jack’s blog is also solely dedicated to him and contains weird innuendos about premium subscribers get access to “unrated” images and warnings of NSFW posts…. SERIOUSLY WTF IS THIS??!!!

    Keep in mind that Tamera Luzzatto is a rich powerful DC lobbyist, former Chief of Staff to both Hillary Clinton and John D. Rockefeller IV, and coincidentally a Primary Liaison at a major advisory panel, the National Commission on Children. This makes her email and appearance on those blogs even more disturbing…

    I also show that the fakestream mainstream media is utterly silent about this infamous pool/entertainment email and thus like everything of importance it is up to citizen investigators to get to the bottom of this!

    Also in this video I discuss the following topics:

    -WikiLeaks image site search Pro Tip on Google Search
    -My views on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange being likely controlled opposition.
    -Talk briefly about my Dr. Judy Wood 9/11 Litmus test which states that everyone and everything is questionable at best if they do not know about the Towers turning to dust in mid-air!
    -Propagandist and alleged comedian John Oliver downplaying the importance of the NSA spying on everything and everyone, during his interview with Edward Snowden.
    -Kurt Eichenwald continues to defy the laws of the universe and is still not in jail.
    -Dennis Hastert is the perfect example of NSA/CIA knowing full well about him as he was pushed to 2nd in line of succession to the president as Speaker of the House of Representatives. #CIABlackmail

    Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 30…

    Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhvsmR5SPUwzmLL7iiQ

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    pizzagate conspiracy mesconspiracy nwo news pedogate politics corruption blackmail

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