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Greetings friends Hivers from @hivepets, welcome to my blog, today I share with you a walk of ROKO by the beach, it is a great emotion of our dear ROKO when we take him for a walk, just to hear the alarm of the car and the word come on he flies out and gets in the car, he even knows where he goes in the car. He loves to feel the breeze on his face, you can see that he enjoys it very much, he observes all around very attentive.
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We live near the beach but we don't take him all the time when we go because otherwise we would have to bathe him all the time which is not advisable, we usually bathe him once a month. As he was due for a bath we took him to the beach for a dip.
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When he gets to the beach he is very excited, he wants to run and run, but we take him on a leash because there are other dogs on the beach and some strays that could hurt him, as ROKO is very spoiled, and he is not prepared to deal with strays.
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Le encanta a ROKO pasear por la orilla de la playa, y escarbar en la arena, como en casa esta adentro y es pura ceramica se sentira algo diferente en sus paticas al escarbar la arena.
Roko loves to walk along the shore of the beach, and dig in the sand, as at home she is indoors and is pure ceramic she will feel something different in her paws when digging in the sand.
A pesar que sale temblando cuando se mete en la playa, le encanta estar adentro, ladra muchisimo si nos metemos nosotros, o alguno se mete sin el
Although he comes out trembling when he gets into the beach, he loves to be inside, he barks a lot if we get in, or someone gets in without him.
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Roko disfruta muchisimo cuando va de paseo, apesar que tiembla del frio, al llegar a acasa lo duchamos y se queda dormidito el resto del dia, no hace tan feliz nuestro pequeño ROKO, y hacerlo feliz nos llena muchisimo.
Roko enjoys a lot when he goes for a walk, even though he shivers from the cold, when we get home we shower him and he sleeps the rest of the day, he doesn't make our little ROKO so happy, and making him happy fills us up a lot.
Hasta la próxima amigos
Until next time friends
Todo el contenido es de mi autoría y las imágenes son de mi propiedad
Separador editado con Canva.
Las fotos y el video fueron tomadas con mi Redmit 9T
Traducido con DeeplAll content is my own and images are my property.
Separator edited with Canva.
The photos were taken with my Redmit 9T
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