Hive Red Carpet "Denim" (English Subtitle)


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    Published on Sep 25, 2023
    About :

    Hola amigos de Hive Red Carpet, hoy me emociona participar en esta iniciativa “Denim”, y de antemano les agradezco por dejar que nos expresemos a través de la moda. Quiero invitar a todos a participar porque me gustaría saber cuáles son sus prendas favoritas y como las usan, les dejaré el link a continuación, de verdad se divertirán.

    Hello friends of Hive Red Carpet, today I'm excited to participate in this "Denim" initiative, and I thank you in advance for letting us express ourselves through fashion. I want to invite everyone to participate because I would like to know what are your favourite garments and how you wear them, I will leave you the link below, you will really have fun.


    Este video fue editado con Filmora 9. La intro y emojis pertenece al editor

    This video was edited with Filmora 9. The intro and emojis belongs to the editor

    I recorded this video using a ZTE Blade A51 cell phone.

    Grabé este video usando un celular ZTE Blade A5

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    Tags :

    initiative hivesredcarpet denim moda fashion lifestyle 3speak video waivio neoxian

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