Hello dear friends of the Vibes web3 music competition, I hope you are doing great. Like always, I am excited to have the opportunity to be here again for the 17th week of this weekly competition. Great thanks and gratitude to the supporters, and mostly the coordinators of this beautiful platform, especially @lordbutterfly.
Hola queridos amigos del concurso de música Vibes web3, espero que os vaya genial. Como siempre, me emociona tener la oportunidad de estar aquí nuevamente para la semana 17 de este concurso semanal. Gran agradecimiento y gratitud a los seguidores, y sobre todo a los coordinadores de esta hermosa plataforma, en especial a @lordbutterfly
Today, I wish to share a beautiful song by Bez Idakula titled "You Suppose Know (By Now)." This song has a wonderful appeal of love and assurance that speaks to the hearts of many.
Hoy quiero compartir una hermosa canción de Bez Idakula titulada "You Suppose Know (By Now)". Esta canción tiene un maravilloso atractivo de amor y seguridad que habla a los corazones de muchos.
While thinking about which song to present this week, this song immediately came to mind. It's a song that resonates deeply with its message of love and commitment, which I believe many of you will appreciate. So, I rehearsed it again for the purpose of this week's presentation in the #vibes Web3 Music Competition.
Obviously, the lyrics tell you that it is a song of love and commitment. It's about someone reassuring their partner about their unwavering love and dedication. I recommend it to lovers who want to feel that sense of commitment and assurance. It's a great song to vibe to and learn from.
Obviamente, la letra te dice que es una canción de amor y compromiso. Trata de alguien que reafirma a su pareja su amor y dedicación inquebrantables. Se la recomiendo a los amantes que quieran sentir esa sensación de compromiso y seguridad. Es una gran canción para vibrar y aprender de ella.
I hope you enjoy my presentation, which I recorded acoustically through FL Studio. I would love to see your feedback in the comment section.
Espero que disfrutes de mi presentación, que grabé acústicamente con FL Studio. Me encantaría conocer tu opinión en la sección de comentarios.
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