Do you believe that the sound of nature can help us heal? As living beings we have an undoubted connection with everything that surrounds us, both what we see and what we can only perceive with our senses. When someone suffers from anxiety or depression, it is highly recommended that they try to reconnect with nature, as this inexplicably gives us a sense of well-being. Seeing a sunset, taking a walk in the mountains or listening to the sound of the waves, are activities that, although they seem simple, connect us with our most spiritual part, the one that has more to do with the soul than with our physical body.
Existen audios especiales para quienes necesitan obtener ese tipo de relajación sin salir de casa, de hecho, recuerdo que por allá en los años 90, mi tía me regaló varios CD's originales, entre los cuales se encontraban dos de sonoterapia, uno era de sonidos naturales como aves, caballos corriendo en la pradera, lluvia, insectos y otro era de sonidos del espacio sideral, recreados por el hombre por supuesto jaja realmente ambas recopilaciones eran muy relajantes, pero como yo era una niña en ese entonces, no necesitaba ese tipo de relajación en mi vida, hoy en día amaría tener nuevamente esos CD's, aunque no puedo quejarme, tomando en cuenta que estas tomas que les comparto el día de hoy forman parte de mi día a día. Me siento agradecida por poder tener una conexión diaria con el mar desde que salen los primeros rayos del sol, pero para quienes no lo tienen cerca, les comparto un poco de ese sonido que definitivamente nos transporta a un lugar mucho más feliz. Nos leemos en los comentarios. Abrazo virtual para todos 💗
There are special audios for those who need to obtain that type of relaxation without leaving home, in fact, I remember that back in the 90s, my aunt gave me several original CD's, among which were two of sound therapy, one was of natural sounds like birds, horses running in the meadow, rain, insects and another era of sounds from outer space, recreated by man of course haha really both compilations were very relaxing, but since I was a girl at the time, I didn't need that kind of relaxation in my life, today I would love to have those CD's again, although I can't complain, considering that these shots that I share today are part of my day to day. I feel grateful for being able to have a daily connection with the sea since the first rays of the sun rise, but for those who do not have it close, I share a little of that sound that definitely transports us to a much happier place. We read in the comments. virtual hug for all💗
Documento las cosas que me apasionan, mi amado deporte, la deliciosa comida que me saca una sonrisa, los viajes por mi hermoso país y mis investigaciones sobre moda. Soy fashionista, deportista, foodie y petlover. Me encanta trabajar por mis sueños y crear cosas geniales con mis manos, pero sobre todo disfruto inspirando a los que me rodean a ser su mejor versión.
"Todo es creado dos veces, primero en la mente y luego en la realidad " Robin Sharma.
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