Segundo quest sin orden aleatorio de esta facinante aventura dentro del video juego old school runescape, estas guias la hago en español.
Objetos necesarios para hacer la quest:
Neckacle of passage
Teleport a lumbridge.
Stamina potion
No es necesario ser member para esta quest.
Tambien dentro de estas guias, mostrare mi propio progreso como jugador.
Este juego es comercializado por jagex. Sigue los paso a paso
Aqui pueden descargar el navegador o cliente
Espero que se creen su cuenta y lo disfruten y puedan entrar, y tambien subir sus skills con estas guias.
Second quest without random order of this fascinating adventure inside the old school runescape video game, these guides are in Spanish.
Objects needed to make the quest:
Neckacle of passage
Teleport to lumbridge.
Stamina potion
You do not need to be a member for this quest.
Also within these guidelines, I will show my own progress as a player.
This game is marketed by jagex. Follow them step by step
Here you can download the browser or client
I hope you create your account and enjoy it and can enter, and also upload your skills with these guides.
My discord
Luck Owl#6827
Soon my guide will be on youtube
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