Will CUB Ever Bring HIVE and HBD Derivatives to the Ethereum Blockchain?


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    Published on Jan 19, 2023
    About :

    Should we launch a CUB Outpost on Ethereum? Ah the CUB Outpost idea, I'm sure you're all super excited to hear that idea again! 🤣

    We got this question from a few community members and wanted to address it. Ethereum has become a lot more usable and this means that a lot of DeFi activity is starting to move back to the OG EVM chain now that fees are lower and reliability of TXs is higher.

    We've learned a big lesson from PolyCUB. We've learned the value of focusing and keeping the ship tight while still aiming to expand. Many community members warned us against launching the POLYCUB token and in the long-run, they turned out to be right.

    One thing about LeoFinance is that we move fast. We break stuff. But we ALWAYS learn from our mistakes.

    Right now, a massive PolyCUB proposal is being written and will be uploaded for all POLYCUB DAO members to vote on. The changes will aim to turn the platform around and bring us back to our path to drive sustainable, reliable and growing yield into the hands of all PolyCUB LPs through pHBD and pHIVE.

    Some are asking if ethCUB will be a thing. We'd still love to bring CUB to other blockchains and with that, also bring things like Ethereum HBD and Ethereum HIVE decentralized liquidity as well.

    In this clip, we talk about a new vision for outposts. One that aligns with fixing mistakes we've made in the past and focusing more on growing real value for existing users rather than chasing a new token.

    Instead of launching ethCUB, we would launch wCUB - a wrapped version of CUB. There would be no added inflation. Additionally, we'd launch wHBD and wHIVE. These would be tradeable on DEXes on the Ethereum blockchain. A % of CUB's inflation would be diverted to pay LP Incentives to wHIVE and wHBD... BUT ... and this is the important part: all wrapping revenue, staking revenue and arbitrage revenue would be deployed to buying and burning CUB on BSC.

    This means that:

    • No new token
    • No new inflation
    • HIVE and HBD decentralized derivatives continue to expand to other chains
    • CUB gains all of the revenue value from launching these derivatives

    We see this as a potentially huge opportunity for CUB. As we talk about in this clip, we won't pursue it until bHIVE and bHBD reach critical mass on BSC and CUB Flips deflationary (more DAO revenue earned each month than paid out to LP incentives - right now we're at $9k revenue vs $15k in incentives paid last month). So we are close to this becoming a reality!

    About LeoFinance

    LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

    Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceLeo
    Discord: https://discord.gg/E4jePHe
    Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.leofinance.io

    Our Hive Applications

    Join Web3: https://leofinance.io/
    Microblog on Hive: https://leofinance.io/threads
    LeoMobile (IOS): https://testflight.apple.com/join/cskYPK1a
    LeoMobile (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.leofi.mobile
    Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 2.8M HP
    Hivestats: https://hivestats.io
    LeoDex: https://leodex.io
    LeoFi: https://leofi.io
    BSC HBD (bHBD): https://wleo.io/hbd-bsc/
    BSC HIVE (bHIVE): https://wleo.io/hive-bsc/
    Earn 50%+ APR on HIVE/HBD: https://cubdefi.com/farms

    Web3 & DeFi

    Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

    CubFinance (BSC): https://cubdefi.com
    PolyCUB (Polygon): https://polycub.com
    Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO): https://wleo.io

    Tags :

    leofinance web3 leo blockchain crypto polycub cub polygon bsc ctp proofofbrain oneup vyb palnet neoxian

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