My life on the edge of the world gone mad – biography of a babaji


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    Published on Jan 01, 2021
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    Life on the edge of my African continent today feels like the ancient mariner of old. It feels as if I’m about to fall off the edge of the world. Into the unknown. With rumors of monsters awaiting me. Certainly 2021 does not offer much personal protection, from a political or social point of view. Except of course for those in my immediate environment. Therefore life on the edge has never been so uncertain.
    On the edge of a new year, of a new decade and a new era, it feels to me to be a vulnerable space. I may be resilient in some regards and not too attached to life and possessions, but the overarching political and social dynamic leaves a lot to be desired. The laws have changed overnight, and now what was normal and taken for granted, is illegal.
    I love to walk along the beautiful sea shore regularly for my health and well-being. But this is now against the law in 2021, thanks to lockdown, covid and my government. So I don’t go to the sandy beaches but instead to the remote cliff tops visited by very few - if any other people. And by doing so I may be breaking the law. I may be labelled a criminal for walking about at the ocean edge, because beaches and rivers are banned.
    The madness of 2021 began on day 1. And now I could be arrested for doing what appears to be a healthy pastime. It appears as if the world has been inverted. Good is bad and bad is good. That is how the dark forces of ignorance like to control us. In the name of our health, the powers that be are telling us to do unhealthy things and avoid healthy activities.
    Fortunately I have common sense and a strong education in truth and illusion. When the government gets in the way, I just ignore them. I continue to do what is healthy for my body and mind by visiting my favorite part of the coastline. Let the police catch me if they can. Here they are usually too fat and unfit to even vaguely reach my beach.
    So in 2021 I am becoming a sovereign entity, living even more than before outside the law, outside of popular society. I am a true maverick and rebel with a cause. And the forecast for 2021 – looking forward from day 1 now – appears to be getting darker and more ominous. I won’t pretend life is fine and dandy. It is dire and insane right now. Lockdowns, bans and curfews all impose a psychological pressure which is undeniable.
    They are also illogical, irrational and reek of ulterior motivation from a higher source with malevolent intent. Maybe I am imagining things. There are many rumors and warnings of the great agenda that is being imposed on humanity under the banner of covid. It is at times like this that we need to be more resilient and determined to keep our focus on higher goals, while preserving our peace of mind. It is with this intention that I continue to go to the beach, ban or no ban. Hardly anyone else can access this part of the coast anyway, so I have it to myself.
    I walk alone, few others walk the path that I walk on this planet. As a maverick, anomaly in the code of the matrix, I am 1% of the global population. And that is not in the economic sense of the 1% but in the consciousness and fundamental make-up of who I am in this body and in this particular lifetime.
    Therefore I will make my own rules, make my own way and do it my way. I will not submit to the lowest common denominator, which is today engineered by propagandists with their own selfish ends. Unlike them I do not try to hide my motivations in the guise of good will. I admit to being selfish and self-centered. This is because I trust myself more than the government. I follow the higher self, the inner guide.
    I have an inner compass, that determines truth from illusion and so I walk alone, outside the law, outside of socially accepted norms. If a society is sick or insane, it is not a sign of health to be compliant to their dictates or norms. I am happy to be an outsider. That is my position – I am dead to society, a renunciate, beggar and anti-social monk in soldier’s clothing. This is the epitaph of a spiritual warrior at the beginning of the end.

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    consciousness mindfullife biography philosophy tribesteemup

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