Cunning & Ambitious Yet Dax Earned His Place With The Most Powerful Of Chaos Legion


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    Published on Feb 12, 2023
    About :

    The monsters of Splinterlands are known for their strength and brutal ways on the battlefield, they fight and that is what they leave for with a few peaceful ones like the PEACEFUL GIANT just to name a few.

    DAX PARAGON has a different kind of power of his own, he is known as a businessman haven inherited from his parent's wealth.


    When he became old enough, Dax was given his large inheritance to begin his own sect of his family's business, which he called Dax's Consultations. He would be called upon by the wealthy, the greedy, and the powerful to consult for them. He would analyze their business practices, their competition, and provide advice. He became renowned for his success, and was thought of as the “secret ingredient” to any tycoon's business. And because of this, Dax soon became immersed in a world of spoils. He lived a fast life of luxury, of gold, and of stabbing anyone in the back that tried to cross him. Often literally.

    It might interest you to read up more about Dax, his got some interesting Lore that will keep you glued to the last read.

    The Summoners

    Opponent's SummonerElementAbility
    GENERAL SLOANLife+1 Range
    My SummonerElementAbility
    CAMILA SUNGAZERDragon-1 Melee

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    Battle Ruleset
    Super Sneak

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    PELACOR CONJURER is my favorite for the low mana battles, I get tempted to use it even in the high mana battles as well.
    It takes up my frontline with the Flight and Magic Reflect abilities.

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    In the second spot in my lineup was DAX PARAGON, I had rented level 1 since I don't have a copy. I felt I could do without the Amplify ability from level 2. I like the Affliction ability it has at level 5. Probably a card I will buy for my deck in the future. The Regular Foil is selling for $0.70 and the Gold Foil for $7.30.

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    Being a Super Sneak ruleset VULGUINE in the third spot in my line could attack the enemy backline and with the Scavenger ability, it had to be included in my lineup.

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    CELESTIAL HARPY, here is another one of my favorite cards for the low-mana battles, it comes with Flight and Opportunity ability in the fourth spot.


    SOUL FIEND had to join in on the action, with zero mana cost, I had it placed in the fifth spot.

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    Holding my backline was NAGA ASSASSIN, we are looking at a card with high speed, a low mana cost of 2. It is high time I level it up to level 4 for the Backfire ability since I have the copies to do so. It survived the battle with DAX being the only casualty.



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