When It Comes To The Bear, We Make Our Own Luck


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    Published on Mar 14, 2023
    About :

    The high mana battles are an opportunity to go big on the monsters and I couldn't ask for other rulesets than the Equal Opportunity ruleset for a great battle.

    This is my most interesting battle and greatest victory of the season it is worth sharing.

    The impact of ARKEMIS THE BEAR is notable on both opposing sides of this battle.
    The Lore of The Bear is a long and interesting one to read.

    On occasion, the very brave or the very foolish try to kill The Bear or to intimidate and frighten it off. They soon learn, though, that neither steel nor spells can hurt it, and no matter how great the inferno or how mighty the army, it cannot be stopped. One swipe of its terrible claws, and both the very brave and the very foolish wind up very dead.

    It was The Bear, a hulking beast larger than any Yew had ever seen. It lumbered across the field on all fours and stopped not twenty paces away. When it rose on its hind legs, Yew saw that it wore thick fur garments, a chain necklace, and a leather belt with a bear’s skull etched into its buckle. It peered down with black eyes dark with rage, yet they were not the eyes of a beast. Their tempestuous depths also held a keen intellect, an ancient wisdom, and a profound compassion.

    Go give the Lore a read, I promise you will enjoy it!

    The Summoners

    Opponent's SummonerElementAbility
    CONQUEROR JACEKFire+2 Speed, Scattershot, Piercing
    My SummonerElementAbility
    PYREFire+1 Speed


    Battle Ruleset
    Equal Opportunity
    Holy Protection
    Heal Out


    So on the battleground that day MAGNOR led my frontline inviting every possible attack with the Taunt and Enrage abilities. It wasn't long until it felt the Halving impact of the opposing Bear. The Enrage MAGNOR, last till the second round but not without a fight.


    COEURL LURKER stepped in the second spot in the lineup with Taunt and Phase ability, it was also on the receiving end of the opposing Bear's Halving impact. Impressively for COEURL LURKER the Phase ability helped in evading several attacks but was eventually struck by GRUM.


    ...many years pass before The Bear’s coming. In others, only a few. It is never predictable, but it always comes. ARKEMIS THE BEAR came and it was there in the third spot in my lineup. Confronted by the opponent's Bear and mine emerged victorious. You have got to love the Protection and Halving abilities of ARKEMIS THE BEAR!


    With Range damage of 4, 6 Armor and Health, and a good attacking speed up the sleeve of LAVA LAUNCHER, it launches attack after attack from the fort position letting out a burst of frightening laughter each time it launches an attack.


    Being a natural sneaky SERPENTINE SPY occupies the fifth spot in my lineup. It survived the battle as it had an impact on the battlefield with the retractable miniature spear as a weapon.


    Summoner CONQUEROR JACEK gave +2 speed to his monsters and so was my lineup capable of getting +2 speed courtesy of PYRE and COUNTESS SINASH'S Swift and Opportunity abilities.

    It was a battle of speed, but I emerged victorious, a battle which I enjoyed every moment of it, and with just about 9 hours away from the end of the season, this is my best fight of the season.



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