As a follow up to this video....
Trade marks are used to protect the proprietor and their businesses from harm, as well as helping the "proper authorities" distinguish each individual business from their services/goods offered to the public. In other words every business needs something to tell the public that they are a business and they are that business they claim to be. That's why businesses have brands and also have shop banners to tell people they are that business; these things are a form of sign posts which is used to direct the confused to the right direction so they can purchase/enjoy the goods/services they are looking for.
The surname is a sign post indicating that it is a business, that it is operating for commerce and that it is trade marked. If you infringe upon the use of trade marked copyrighted patented material/intellectual property you will get punished by their legal "law" (read: contract-policy).
We are so confused that even when they tell us (through grammar) what the SURNAME is, we still don't get it.
That's why every single time you use their SURNAME, we get punished and sued by it's proprietors...which belongs to the State. We get sued in the form of taxes, fraudulent bills, unlawful court punishments, prison sentences, loss of assets, and a life time of slavery. Every single time we use the SURNAME we are tresspassing upon copyrighted trade marked patented material/intellectual property.
We were the ones who voluntarily accepted the contract and so the contract is not void. As long as we remain ignorant the contract cannot be voidable, let alone void.
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