Pidiendo disculpas de antemano por tanta ausencia. Mi teléfono se dañó y se me hacía imposible seguir compartiendo con todos en el blog.
Gracias a Dios hace poquito logré comprarme un nuevo equipo, así que me verán más a menudo por acá.
Los extrañé muchísimo y de alguna manera siempre los recordaba teniendo la esperanza de volver.
Hello Hivers 🫂🥰happy to be with you again !!!!
Apologizing in advance for so much absence. My phone got damaged and it was impossible for me to keep sharing with everyone on the blog.
Thank God I recently managed to buy a new one, so you will see me more often here.
I missed you all very much and somehow I always remembered you all hoping to come back.
La musa me ha llenado los espacios, los caminos y mi soledad elegida entre recuerdos gratos y fotografías.
El restaurante donde acostumbro cantar se hizo mi refugio durante los fines de semana, meses llenos de anécdotas y gratas experiencias.
Dónde turistas de distintos estados del país me grabaron y me terminaban enviando los videos o contratandome para eventos especiales.
There have been many experiences compiled by the diary of my life since December until now.
The muse has filled the spaces, the paths and my chosen solitude among pleasant memories and photographs.
The restaurant where I usually sing became my refuge during the weekends, months full of anecdotes and pleasant experiences.
Where tourists from different states of the country recorded me, and ended up sending me the videos or hiring me for special events.
Sin embargo ya no veo la vida como antes, porque luego de estar tantos meses enferma, ahora disfruto cada minuto, cada hora, me siento renovada en la fe, en el optimismo y en la esperanza de días luminosos.
It has not been an easy road, because many times there are days without being able to see my children and when I get home, there is no rest waiting for me, but a train of overdue tasks, which are only comforted with their sweet hugs and a "I miss you mommy".
However, I no longer see life as before, because after being sick for so many months, now I enjoy every minute, every hour, I feel renewed in faith, optimism and hope for brighter days.
Te cambian los planes y entiendes los propósitos.
Todo ha sido fluir en esta travesía, con altas y bajas pero ya más serena y segura.
I understood that storms and rain are part of life, that many times they come to shake everything and to thoroughly clean what does not add to your life.
They change your plans and you understand the purposes.
Everything has been flowing in this journey, with ups and downs but now more serene and secure.
Por ejemplo hace poco la compañía disquera Sonografica decidió publicar por YouTube un reality show que se hizo hace 20 años donde tuve la oportunidad de participar en RCTV.
Por aquí les dejaré el link para que puedan disfrutarlo.
)Step by step in each publication that I will share I will leave evidence of those experiences and those roads traveled.
For example, recently the record company Sonografica decided to publish on YouTube a reality show that was made 20 years ago where I had the opportunity to participate in RCTV.
Here I will leave the link so you can enjoy it.
Link : (
Se trata del tema "Have you ever seen the rain" de John Fogerty, que aunque la escribió pensando en algo sumamente triste, el tiempo se encargó de transformar este icónico tema en un himno de resiliencia.
Para mí este tema no es solo ver cómo llueve sobre los días soleados, también es ver y sentir como aún con la lluvia logramos ver lo luminoso y colorido de la vida, como lo es el milagroso arcoiris.
Today I decided to share with you a song that I love to play and that perhaps summarizes a bit the theme of life and its changes, how something sad then becomes something wonderful.
It is the song "Have you ever seen the rain" by John Fogerty, who although he wrote it thinking of something extremely sad, time took care of transforming this iconic song into a hymn of resilience.
For me this song is not only to see how it rains on sunny days, it is also to see and feel how even with the rain we can see the bright and colorful of life, as is the miraculous rainbow.
Have You ever seen the rain
Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm
I know, it's been comin' for some time
When it's over, so they say
It'll rain a sunny day
I know, shinin' down like water
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day?
Yesterday and days before
Sun is cold and rain is hard
I know, been that way for all my time
'Til forever on it goes
Through the circle, fast and slow
I know, it can't stop, I wonder
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day?
Source: have you ever seen the rain-John Fogerty
¿Alguna Vez Has Visto La Lluvia?
Alguien me dijo hace mucho tiempo
Que hay una calma antes de la tormenta
Lo sé, ha estado viniendo por algún tiempo
Entonces dicen que cuando se termine
Lloverá en un día soleado
Lo sé, brillando como agua
Quiero saber, ¿alguna vez has visto la lluvia?
Quiero saber, ¿alguna vez has visto la lluvia
Cayendo en un día soleado?
Ayer y algunos días antes
El Sol es frío y la lluvia es fuerte
Lo sé, ha sido así toda mi vida
Hasta la eternidad, será así para siempre
A través del círculo, rápido y lento
Lo sé, eso no puede parar, creo yo
Quiero saber, ¿alguna vez has visto la lluvia?
Quiero saber, ¿alguna vez has visto la lluvia
Cayendo en un día soleado?
Quiero saber, ¿alguna vez has visto la lluvia?
Quiero saber, ¿alguna vez has visto la lluvia
Cayendo en un día soleado?
Fuente: Have you ever seen the rain-John Fogerty
Posdata : Las fotos y video son de mi propiedad, Los GIF de PEAKD y TENOR .
video editado en CapCut e Inshot, La traducción al inglés es cortesía de DeepL.😍🙏🤗🌼
Posdata : Photos and video are my property, GIFs by PEAKD and TENOR .
video edited in CapCut and Inshot. The English translation is courtesy of DeepL.😍🙏🤗🌼
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