All Gladius Pack Openings and Collection Growth Series - Part 18


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    Published on Jun 20, 2022
    About :

    Galidus pack opening series thumnail.PNG

    Hey there peeps! I'm @instamental your gracious game advisor (not financial advice heh). In this series now that my guild is steadily hitting the top positions of every brawl I have decided to document the growth off my Gladius Cards set.

    One thing to note is that I have been lucky enough to pull some gold gladius cards and 1 legendary! These Gold and legendary cards are amazing in two respects. Firstly they come out at a higher level than regular foils and secondly they provide a massive bump in CP that is 25 times higher than the regular foil version.

    My collection is growing at a decent rate as we (shout out to my Guild [RKO] Outa Nowhere) almost always finish first in brawls we collect approx. 2000+ merits per brawl so I should be able to open a gladius pack about once per week nowadays. The growth is allowing me to be more competitive and also have some spare CP available to rent out and still finish in Diamond 3 each season. Each season I do a rough calculation to see if the rewards and starting in a higher league is worth the trade of compared to just renting out the CP and finishing in Gold 3.



    Follow me as I put out videos on pack openings, renting strats, monster flipping, battle advice and coaching etc. Along with this my experience in financial planning and investment management allows to identify and provide some strats that I use to scrape off extra value/alpha that I have not seen people talk about publicly.

    You can catch me at and check out my videos and subscribe on and on Youtube

    Follow me on all channels as for every 100 subscribers I get on each I will give away a chaos legion pack on each channel. So get in early because you will qualify for all following chaos legion giveaways after you join.


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    Buy and sell super discounted gift cards for crypto. Here at Paxful I buy amazon, airbnb, cards and so many more companies are available for as high as 60% off retail price. I seriously can't recommend it enough and it single handedly allowed me to leave my job to focus on @splinterlands and crypto gaming.

    Intro and thumbnails designed for free at CANVA

    Use Coinbase to buy crypto and get $10USD sign up bonus for free HERE

    At @monstermarket, You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases so use it, it all adds up Monster Market

    Use @LeoDex to buy cheap packs, DEC and many other tokens HERE

    You can check out the rewards cards printing rates, get a report of your season and view cards by league cap made by @kiokizz who is @splinterstats, please send him some votes for his hard work on his recent Splinterlands posts!

    Want to view all kinds of Splinterlands stats? Check out SplinterStats Website

    Check out @peakmonsters today Peak Monsters and all their features!

    banner splinterlands.png
    Each upvote gets you a Gold Foil Legendary in your daily quest loot chests :)

    See you in Pretoria
    @instamental out

    Introduction to @instamental and 100 pack opening with huge pulls including the best Gold Foil Legendary

    Opening 300 Chaos Legion packs with huge pulls and tonnes of Legos and Golf Foils

    Instamental's Splinterlands Card Giveaway Series - Free Splinterlands Cards for You Every Week!

    All Gladius Pack Openings and Collection Growth Series


    splinterlands oneup thgmaing battle pgm pob neoxian pimp pal vyb

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    splinterlands oneup thgaming opg pgm pimp pob vyb battle pal

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