The blame at this point is on the individual cult members who have given up sovereignty over their minds. I don't have much say here. Watch the video. I'm done looking at these people as my fellow human beings.
FDA Approvals Jabs for Babies
Pediatric COVID Hospitalizations Plunge As Schools Reopen, Baffling Experts
CDC Recommends 4th Jab for Idiots
[NIH Admits Funding Gain-Of-Function COVID Experiments](https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/nih-admits-funding-gain-function-covid-experiments-gives-ecohealth-five-days-report
EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus
[Fauci Funded 'Cruel' Puppy Experiments Where Sand Flies 'Eat Them Alive'; Vocal Cords Severed](https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/fauci-funded-cruel-puppy-experiments-where-sand-flies-eat-them-alive-vocal-cords-severed
[CDC Director Admits "We May Need To Update Our Definition Of 'Fully Vaccinated'"](https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/cdc-director-admits-we-may-need-update-our-definition-fully-vaccinated
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