Hello brothers and sisters. Introducing, we are Indonesia Bersatu. A punk rock band from Medan city, Indonesia. We consist of four personnel who were born and raised on the streets. Today we will introduce our original song entitled “Setara” in English is “Equivalent”. Btw, we only played this song together in an acoustic version because the two members were busy working so they couldn't attend this impromptu concert.
We created this Equal song to give a message to everyone about the importance of equality. Because as a society, which is filled with cultural, religious, and racial diversity, we must be able to unite to create a better world. No human is perfect, we are created equal even though we are of different ethnicity, religion, and culture. We are all created by God and have the same degrees and rights.
In the life that we live, there is still a lot of discrimination that occurs because of social differences. Everyone has the right to get an education, work, and proper consumption for us to enjoy. Therefore, we created this song for people who experience discrimination due to social differences in society. We also see many groups who feel superior, and superior to other groups, thus oppressing the lower groups who are considered trash that must be thrown away. It is very sad to see such an event.
Song lyrics in Indonesian;
“Kita semua bersaudara
Tanpa ada perbedaan
Tanpa ada kekuasaan
Kita semua satu darah
Bukti nyata perjuangan
Bukti nyata kemerdekaan
Jadilah kita semua bersaudara
Berjuang demi hak tani dan keadilan
Merah putih lambing kebenaran
Kita kibarkan ditengah kehancuran”
Song lyrics in English;
“We are all brothers
Without any difference
Without any power
We are all one blood
The real proof of the struggle
The real proof of independence
Let us all be brothers
Fight for peasant rights and justice
Red and white symbol of truth
We raise it amid destruction”
That's the only message we can convey through this song. I hope you like and enjoy it. Greetings and greetings of peace.
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