IAAC Day 84 | The Ups & Downs of Life


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    Published on Jul 16, 2020
    About :

    Happy Thursday! Almost the weekend and I feel my energy climbing up again. LOL! Life has its ups and downs though. I'm not always full of energy. However, life has been kind to me and somehow I manage to bounce back from my down moments. I think I mentioned about the kittens we adopted since we found them in the trash. I'm actually afraid that we will lose one of them. She's the tiniest of the three. We even named the kittens already -- Milka, Orange, and Krema. I've asked around about an orange and white mom cat who could have lost her kittens. The janitor finally showed up today and told me there might be owners on the second floor. I did ask him a favor to ask them as the kittens really need mommy cat. Two seem stronger, but nothing beats a mom's care. We could only do so much. I would love for all of them to make it as all lives matter.

    Enjoy the short clip of the kittens. We bring them inside the house, as we're too afraid to leave them outside. Then, we bring them out when we can supervise them to let them walk outside for exercise and to interact with the other kitties. Our cats have been staying away from them though. I'm really hoping the best for these three little kittens.

    Well, we now have our building ID. We've submitted the requirements in record time. It's a good move, so we don't get bugged daily about them. Yipee!

    Tomorrow is another day. Another day closer to the weekend. Yay!

    This challenge is inspired by @flaxz. Thank you to CTP tribe and the HIVE community.

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    'Coz I like Tumblr ===> I Am Raincrystal


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    ctp ctptalk iamalivechallenge hiveisalive vlog

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