Let me read this document for you, and you can tell me what you think afterwards.
Find the document for yourself at https://ubiworks.ca/factsheet
A few main points from this report,
1 "Technology is polarizing economic opportunity & quality of life, contributing to wage stagnation shifting"
2 "Labour is diminishing in importance to production due to technology"
3 "Growth in low skill & low income jobs is outpacing high income"
4 "42% of Canadian jobs are at high risk of automation in the next 20 years."
5 "Basic income increases entrepreneurship and gives everyone the ability to take risks."
6 "Basic income can end poverty and improve health & educational outcomes."
If you recieved a basic income, what would you spend it on?
Food? Rent? A new business?
Let me know what you think below.
Thanks for listening!
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