Mas de medio año de haber conformado nuestra comunidad #HiveArgentina y luego de muchas tertulias sobre la conveniencia o no de hacerlo, decidimos dar un paso adelante y crear nuestro Trail de Curación de Hive Argentina.
! [English]More than half a year of having formed our community #HiveArgentina and after many discussions about the convenience or not to do so, we decided to take a step forward and create our Hive Argentina Healing Trail.
En lineas generales, un trail de curación es seguir el voto de alguien, que puede ser una comunidad (como es este caso) o de un usuario, en quien confies un porcentaje de tu voto o el 100%, por sus criterios de curación. La comunidad #HiveArgentina, sigue los lineamientos criteriosos de la filosofia del ecosistema de Hive.
![English] In general terms, a curation trail is to follow the vote of someone, which can be a community (as in this case) or a user, in whom you trust a percentage of your vote or 100%, for their curation criteria. The #HiveArgentina community follows the criteria guidelines of the Hive ecosystem philosophy.
Realizamos un video invitandolos a ser parte de nuestro trail y nos apalancamos del tutorial completo y didáctico, realizado por Eddie Espino, fundador del proyecto Aliento. Invitamos a todos los creadores de contenidos a ser parte del trail y en especial, a los de la comunidad #HiveArgentina.
Cualquier duda que tengas, comunicate con los moderadores de la comunidad: @mamaemigrante, @cre47iv3, @numa26, @lauramica y @palabras1.
¡Crezcamos juntos!
! [English] We made a video inviting you to be part of our trail and we took advantage of the complete tutorial and didactic, made by Eddie Espino, founder of the Aliento project. We invite all content creators to be part of the trail and especially those of the #HiveArgentina community.
If you have any questions, please contact the community moderators: @mamaemigrante, @cre47iv3, @numa26, @lauramica and @palabras1.
Let's grow together!
! [English]
The rewards, are extracted from the benefits of this post and collaborations of the moderators, for the ecency points.
Text by @mamaemigrante.
Editing, layout by @palabras1.
Credits to Hive, Threespeak and Hive Argentina logos.
Pixabay resources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Edited the video with CapCut Pro.
Subtitling through CapCut Pro.
Screenshot with Zomm free.
I edit photos with Canva Pro.
We correct the texts with languagetool.
Translation with deepl translator
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