The Week According To . . . Abi Roberts


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    Published on Jun 18, 2022
    About :

    Welcome to the latest edition of 'The Week According To . . ' and we have the irrepressible Abi Roberts back with us as we look at what has caught her eye or rattled her cage in this weeks news, articles and media.
    Up for discussion this episode...
    Pride month & LGBTQBS

    • What is Cisgender? Is it offensive? and where did it come from?
    • 'We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, Far-Left ideology' Powerful piece by Jordan Peterson
      Specialist Rape Courts
    • Specialist courts are being set up to boost the number and speed of rape cases going to trial, with figures showing that the lowest charging rate of all offences continues to be for rape, with just 1.3 per cent of 67,125 offences recorded by police in 2021 leading to a prosecution.
      Immigration invasion
    • After the Rwanda flight farce, Downing Street does not rule out withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) after last-minute interventions by the Court of Human Rights blocked the plane, which was stood ready to depart on a Ministry of Defence runway, in the final hour before it was scheduled to take off.
    • Around 400 migrants arrive in Dover after crossing the Channel in small boats just hours before the first flight to Rwanda was supposed to take off with this week set to be one of 2022's busiest yet for crossings.
    • People arriving in UK on small boats to be electronically tagged but Human Rights campaigners and lefty lawyers say ‘appalling’ pilot scheme treats those fleeing conflict and persecution as criminals.
      Covid Vaccines
    • The US has approved a Covid vaccine for its youngest age group yet to receive experimental shots in a decision expected to be followed worldwide.
      Boris in Ukraine
    • Tory MPs have accused Boris Johnson of snubbing the North for another trip to Kyiv, just days before a crucial by-election. He met with President Volodymyr Zelensky and offered a major training programme for his forces.
      Julian Assange
    • Family members of Julian Assange have promised to fight the UK's decision to extradite him to the United States after the UK government ordered the extradition of WikiLeaks founder to the US to face spying charges.

    Abi Roberts is a British stand-up comedian, writer and commentator. Abi became a professional stand-up in 2012, and since then has played some of the biggest clubs across the UK, and had several sold-out shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. She became a comedian because she wanted to write her own material and have the freedom to express her worldview – and make thousands of people laugh at the absurdity and wonder of life. Abi does not worship at ‘The Church of Woke’! If you ask her how she identifies or what her gender pronouns are, she would give you this answer: “I’m a straight female who’s flattened a lot of grass. I spent much of my university days behind a club called Cinderella’s with a cone of chips in one hand and a pint of Snakebite and Black in the other. For balance. I once dabbled in Lesbiana but couldn’t fully commit because, like a London cab driver, I wouldn’t go south of the river.” Abi’s stand up show Anglichanka, which was about living and studying in Russia, gained her several 5 star rave reviews and the show toured the UK. She was the first comedian to do shows in Moscow in both English and Russian, as Abi explains “My father was a spy… sorry, diplomat, so I went to the Soviet Union as a kid and then in the early 1990s I studied opera at the Moscow Conservatoire. Over the years, I’ve met many people who have been persecuted by the Soviet regime, including Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, so I have an inbuilt hatred of all authoritarian bastards who encourage denouncement and punish freedom of speech.” She has appeared as a guest comedian on BBC Radio 4’s Midweek, Saturday Live and BBC Radio Scotland’s The Janice Forsyth Show, and ITV’s Good Morning Britain, debating mandatory vaccine passports opposite Edwina Currie. As a writer, Abi has written for several publications including Spiked and The Times. Abi is a regular commentator on GB News, You can see her on Tonight Live with Dan Wootton and Mark Dolan and she also appears regularly on Andrew Doyle’s Free Speech Nation as well as Nana Akua’s weekend Debate show on GB News every Friday from 4-6pm. Twice monthly she joins Ann Widdecombe and Emma Webb in Widdecombe Webb & Woberts streamed LIVE on the New Culture Forum YouTube channel and also contributes regularly on Talk Radio & Times Radio.

    Follow and support Abi at the following links

    Originally broadcast as a live news discussion 18.6.22

    Audio Podcast version available at ⁣ and all major podcast directories.

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    Links to stories discussed this episode
    What is cisgender?
    Jordan Peterson: We are sacrificing our children
    Specialist rape courts
    Rwanda flight cancelled
    Rwanda deportations
    400 migrants arrive in Dover
    People arriving in small boats to be electronically tagged
    Covid vaccine for its youngest age group
    Tory MPs furious at Boris
    Julian Assange

    Tags :

    news abi roberts comedian free speech boris vaccines trans lgbtq pride rwanda illegal immigration

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