In this special edition of the Alchemist Nation Real Estate Podcast, we have a couple of millionaire coaches, each one with his/her specialized arena.
Dug McGuirk - A trained public speaker who trains public speakers, is a coach, and builds coaching programs. He is the author of Under Construction: Navigating the Detours on the Road to Recovery.
Mitch Jaworski - Used to be a day trader in the stock market, now a crypto master, a real estate investor, and the author of Scaredy-Cat Guide to Real Estate Investing
Ryan Mcdermott - A financial advisor and a real estate investor.
Darina Pogodina - She working on building 100 millionaires with me
Ron Bowling - He is my business partner, multi-millionaire, and runs 3 business which I'm a part of. I get to be the pretty face while for him he is the backbone that cracks the whip on all of our wonderful associates, employees, and Partners.
Gualter: Ryan what arenas would cause some volatility and some runs?
Ryan: I think the two elephants in the rooms are the outcome of the US presidential election and where Covid-19 is going. Those seem to be the two things on people's minds every single day and even if we don't want them on our minds, they're out in our minds by social media. I won't pick a candidate for this election but if the candidate is picked on the night of the election, then it is going to help things. If it is a debatable outcome or results, then we'll see some crazy volatility.
Gualter: Mitch Jaworski, you are kind of a day trader, or at least you're in the past day trading. Do you think there is an opportunity made during a presidential election?
Mitch: I don't want to rule against the crowd but I'm kind of hoping for all those things Ryan is saying we don't want because I'm short hell out of the market right now and every time Pelosi opens her mouth hey we're making progress on stimulus, the market just makes a magical U-turn and goes up and I say that was my trade again. I actually don't mind if there is going to be indecision with the elections because, in the end, I don't care who wins but as Ryan said lack of decision will create a lot of volatility over a couple of weeks if the results are being challenged or whatever it is. I'm in a win-win scenario if it happens then sweet my shorts make the money and if it doesn't all is good and my real estate doesn't come crashing down and my IRA is still sitting pretty. In the short, term that's what I call being hedged.
Gualter: What do you think Mike Schein?
Mike: I wholeheartedly agree with Ryan. I think I learned from the book I was reading Reset Your Life: Make a New Start by Joseph W. Walker, III. which talks about the distinction between volatility and risk. Yes, the stock market goes up and down. If you look at it on a daily, you can get a lot of grey hairs but in the long term, it is a better risk than keeping your money in cash which just disappears because of inflation. So stay in the market, be prepared for ups and downs, and if you're not prepared to do that way, send your money to Ryan to build for you that Portfolio.
Gualter: If you had $10,000 and you were starting from a $40k-$50k per year job. What would you do to invest the money?
Mitch: I would buy a rental property and hands down, it would be the best investment in the next 40-50 years. Then after that, I would start diversifying but if I'm going to the head what am I doing with the 10K. I'm probably putting it in a mixture of crypto, stocks, and precious metals.
Dug: I would get some gold, start seeing what is going on with the tech stocks, I might like knowing my niche, musical instruments, and I might do it for fun like for $2500 because I used to flip cars and guitars.
Ryan: I'm investing in my business and myself and I think that would be a fair investment, invest and build up your biggest source of income.
Mike: Spend it on the Gualter Amarelo training program and some generator coaching programs. I'm a huge fan of Cathie Wood, ark investments, she has five different ETFs and I would put $2K in each one of those, disrupt her, then leave Cathie to do the magic.
Terry Wager: I've already been in that situation and I started generator coaching from a business that lost its money when we went to Obamacare. Now from the years, I have learned what I have been doing and how I'm doing it, I would spend that money on stages [Pay to Play] because I can take my information and all we've talking about is very good to earn money in passive income but the information is more of an active income if you know how to use it.
Generally, the answers to the big question were:
-Buy an owner-occupied House Hack
-Invest In Marketing Or Building A Business
-Trade Forex Options
-Get A Business Coach
What Would YOU do with $10,000 to invest right now! Leave your thoughts in the comment box below!
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