The secret to success is what you focus on. But more in-depth. It's what you don't focus on. It's what you ignore. Ignorance is the key to success, the most successful people on the planet that I know only do one thing, they do one thing and they do it well.
Right now, at this point in your life, if you are reading this you have been training in real estate for at least six months, you've read the books, you've watched the videos, you've hired coaches, you hired me, you're here in this training because you've been to other trainings. And there's something that is missing, something that is elusive to you, you want to take more action, the problem is that you're paying attention to too many things.
Create a List of the top 20 things you want to do. Pick one thing that is going to make you wealthy beyond your belief. What is that one thing, it's a list of ONE you don't get multiple. Yes, life is multiple-choice, but success is a singular choice. If I were to propose to you, that it is multifamily investing, then all other distractions need to be removed, except for one, your mainstream of income. Look at your mainstream of income, and thank it, bless it, grow it, and do nothing else. No other streams are necessary until that's a million-dollar stream.
“It starts with what you earn, the easiest money to get is the money you earn.” There is no easier money on the planet than money that you can bring in through your action in your business. The idea of your business is to reach out to other people who have money. If they're willing and able to pay you in your business, that means they have money, they accumulated it, and they probably want more of it. People who hand you money probably have more than they're giving you. "Usually, people don't give away their last dollar."
If it's not a relationship with somebody who has money, access to money, or relationships who have money, it's a no, a simple no. You're going to be a more focused person. If it comes to washing the dishes say NO. If it comes to doing laundry, say NO. If comes to vacuuming your house, say NO. Start saying NO to absolutely everything in your life, except for this one thing, this does create a habit that's necessary.
Pick up after yourself. Don't make messes for yourself, keep your life super organized. So, you don't have to clean up as much. Control the people in your house leverage them.
This is how you build a business; you leverage your family; your family is on board with you. They are your partners. I don't care if they're 2 years old, or if they're 40 years old. They're your partner in this business. And if they don't pick up the slack, then the buck stops there. They can team up with you and they can make your life easier. Control comes from influence. It comes from suggestion; it comes from gaining compliance. It doesn't come from telling people what to do. It comes from being a decent human being, caring about them and saying, "Hey, look, I got the bigger picture here. In order for me to go get this thing done that I want to do; I'm going to have to focus on one thing. And for the next 12 months or six months, I'm not going to see a mess in this house. So, if you don't want it to be here, you're going to have to help me out."
“Never stop until you reach your goal, stay focused!”
There are times that you will be "almost there" but then you stop, take a rest, and then suddenly nothing got accomplished. You know that you were all into it, crushing it, all you needed was one more hour but you dropped off. That project, that deal, that lesson you're supposed to learn, that training and courses you paid for, that book you were supposed to read, were all turned into waste. And now six months later, you're feeling bad about it, feeling guilty about it, feeling like something is missing in your life. When you are making progress, Stay in it until completed.
In order to focus, sometimes you have to make room for that one thing, sometimes you have to clear out the garbage. When I worked at Johnson and Johnson, I used to write a list of things I'm not going to get done. I used to call it my "shit, I'm not going to do list.” And that's how I got promoted because I focused on a priority. Multiple times everybody would give me a list of things to do.
Looking at it, I would cross off the stuff I wasn't going to do. And then I would just do the couple of things I knew my manager cared about and everybody else got pushed aside except for the person who controlled my race. Every 6 months when my contract came up, they brought me back on for more money. Not everything is created equally. Not all priorities are THE priority.
If it's not putting your name on deeds then it's not considered a priority. What you do at your job, you have to do it right. Deliver the best you can deliver while you're there. But while you're there, be thinking about your investment business. You've been doing your job long enough where you can make that money without thinking about it. Be talking about your investment business. Because no one will do it for you. Multi-family investing must be your big goal for financial freedom.
Money is a transaction of both time and energy. If you want more time and you want energy to spend that time, you're going to have to transact some money. If it's not in your hands yet, then I assure you, it's in somebody else's hands.
Follow for Truth @GualterAmarelo
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