I've been doing #teletuesday for a while now with a focus on country stuff. It was fun for a while but.. well it's country music.
Not too long ago I took a trip with the in-laws to country Victoria to stay for 3 nights. While I was there I found a tutorial
for this Jazz Blues solo and decided to learn it quietly in a corner. Doing this meant I didn't get too involved in the general discussions on the weather and where to get the next coffee and what outtings we needed to go on, whilst still being in the room and technically part of it. I'm no great improvisor and don't really enjoy doing it, but being able to solo over a Jazz Blues in on my bucket list. I've been practicing dominant 7 arpegios over blues in different keys, but am finding it quite difficult.
There is nothing improvised about this. I just learned it not for note and have fun playing it. One of these days I might give improv a crack and post it, but until then I'll just learn other peoples stuff and enjoy that process.
Cheers People!
Oh yeah. Got the covid vaccination. Lived to tell the tale so far.
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