Recuerdo que no le pedí permiso a mi madre, sino que le dije que me seleccionaron y que de ahora en adelante iría a los ensayos dos veces a la semana. Yo, en ese entonces tenía 9 años. Han pasado muchas lunas desde ese entonces y me han brotado algunas canas, pero desde esa vez, con algunas pausas, he cantado bastante. Para mí además de disfrutarlo, es un acto de liberación y de equilibrarme los chacras (como suelo decir). Porque me puede llevar el canto a conectarme con la alegría, la emoción que me define por cierto, o a salir de la tristeza o el estrés en algunos momentos.
En la #blockchain he encontrado un espacio para hacer ese ejercicio tan importante para los cantantes. La idea de juntarnos a cantar y a mover la energía que surgió ya hace tes años, no solo me ha permitido estar en contacto frecuente con la música, sino conocer gente muy especial y talentosa. Así, de esta manera conocí a @eugelys una mujer con una voz maravillosa, que gracias a @votovzla en un #MeetUp de algunos años nos pudimos conocer, o más bien reconocer personalmente. Desde entonces hemos seguido en contacto, así como con otros #hiver de forma más cercana @mafalda2018, @marybellrg, @miguelmederico, @guachoman, @alarconr22.arte, @franz54 y muchos otros que, pese a que quizás no hablemos con frecuencia, se que ahí están siempre dispuestos a ayudar y a compartir en Encuentro de Talentos (@talentos)
Este año pese a planes detenidos de juntarnos y hacer encuentros o incluso sentarnos a crear contenido, hemos logrado reunirnos, puesto que la ciencia me ha llevado a la zona donde vive @eugelys y la hemos pasado muy bien. Conversando como si nos hubiesemos visto el día anterior. Con una cotidianidad que es extraño describir, porque sólo ns hemos visto escasas veces. Sin embargo, eso no ha impedido que nos lancemos una tertulias divertidas que espero se continuen dando y hasta nos hemos puesto a cantar.
Aquí les comparto parte de ese encuentro con algunas notas lanzadas al viento y con las ganas inmensas de que sean de su agrado, y más aún de que @eugelys y yo cocreemos algo bien chévere para el próximo año.
Music has always been present in my life, although the truth is that I have dedicated myself to other things at a professional level. As some of you already know, I dedicate myself to research. I have a degree in Geochemistry and my area of research in Environmental Sciences. However, my inclination for music comes from when I was a child and I owe it to my fourth-grade music teacher, whose name I do not remember. He noticed that I had a knack for rhythm when he taught us about compás and conducting. So, he invited me to sing in the school's children's choir and I was determined to do it. I remember that I did not ask my mother's permission, but told her that I was selected and that from now on I would go to rehearsals twice a week. I was 9 years old at the time. Many moons have passed since then and I have sprouted some gray hair, but since then, with some pauses, I have sung a lot for myself, besides enjoying it, it is an act of liberation and balancing my chakras (as I usually say). Because singing can lead me to connect with joy, the emotion that defines me, or to get out of sadness or stress at times.
In the #blockchain I have found a space to do that exercise so important for singers. The idea of getting together to sing and move the energy that emerged three years ago has not only allowed me to be in frequent contact with music but also to meet very special and talented people. This is how I met @eugelys, a wonderful voice, that thanks to @votovzla in a #MeetUp a few years ago we could meet, or rather recognize each other personally. Since then we have kept in touch, as well as with another #hiver more closely @mafalda2018, @marybellrg, @miguelmederico, @guachoman, and many others who, despite perhaps not talking often I know that they are always there ready to help.
This year, despite plans to get together and have meetings or even sit down to create content, we have managed to get together, since science has taken me to the area where @eugelys lives and we have had a great time. Conversing as if we had seen each other the day before. With an ordinariness that is strange to describe, because we have only seen each other a few times. However, that has not prevented us from having a fun get-together that I hope will continue and we have even started to sing.
Here I share with you part of that meeting with some notes thrown to the wind and with the immense desire that you like them, and even more that we create something really cool for next year.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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