Credits : Script written by : Unknown Person Video Edited by : Rb panchal Video recorded by : Rb panchal Music beat : Rb Panchal Dreams , Dreams hold a lot of you as it is said that if you overthink about a particular hopic , person , thing or any of your memories from past is what you would dream about in the night . Some People takes a dream seriously and some neglect it as it depends from person to person . Both scientifically and Religiously dteams are considered to be truth that you had already went through in past or that you would be experience in present i.e. termed as " Dejavu " . Dejavu means a thing , a moment that you experience which you already knew that it would happen various Dreams dedict a lot of various things . A dream could be full of emotions , grief , happiness , related to money or related to your success . A person usually dreams about those things which she thinks about throughout the day . Dream has lot of meanings i.e. some people say : This is my dream , my dreams comes true.
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