I know most of you don't pay as much attention to my event posts, but you really should with this video/story in particular. This event was spewing majik and energetic blessings at me before I even got there. If you saw my posts about Ritual from 2019, than you have an idea of what I mean - but this year was even more impactful, and I had several vital epiphanies that really altered the state of my existence/mind-frame in a positive and greatly needed fashion, along with attracting a HUGE music networking contact.
During the daytime before the event, I was feeling extremely disoriented and exhausted with a crucial "brain-fuzz", and was teetering on not attending the event all day. Combined with the extreme level of healing I experienced last time I attended, along with the fact that a couple close friends were going with me made me decide to go through with it... but not before having a hard time driving, and turning on the wrong side of the street down a one-way road - that is how disoriented I was.
We took our time - first stopping at a pub called Slow Bar, where I had the absolute best veggie-bean burger I have ever eaten (I don't even usually like bean-burgers). That bar literally saved my night! - So much so that I will be giving that pub it's own post and review in the near future. My friend that took me there (my first time) kept talking about how he needed to eat, but it was crucial that he chose the right food, or else it would mess his whole night up - I felt the same way, and the amazing food we selected there cured us for sure, although I was still feeling a little tired at that point.
When I got to the event, even before I entered the building, I was approached by two different music promoters from two totally different parts of the country who help manage shows. One was a really cool home-girl from St. Louis, Missouri who runs shows out there (only in Portland for the weekend shows), who we ended up hanging out with a good bit inside the venue. The other was a guy from Idaho, who told me he needed help finding real conscious style emcees/artists to perform at a big hip hop festival in Boise he is organizing! I was like, "Bro, you have NO IDEA how right the person I am that you are speaking with about this, I know all the local truth-hop emcees with TONS of talent and versatile styles". He was all about it, and I am stoked to bring this news to the community.
I don't like most EDM music, I am very picky when it comes to that genre - but with Ritual, the music is always TOP NOTCH! Those native instrument Arabian/snake charmer styles the DJ's have are right up my alley, and hit notes of my passions that I really dig. I had an idea the first year I attended Ritual, where local emcees could throw down with these DJs - the crowd would go crazy for that sh**!! Although the emcees I was talking to more then definitely had the talent for it, they were all too busy, involved with their own projects... the difference now is that the emcees I have been working with recently are more attuned to collaboration with things I am doing, along with the style of instrumentals played at Ritual - and I KNOW they are down to do it, along with the festival yet to be encountered in Boise. There needs to be a crossover between REAL Hip Hop and GOOD EDM music - I believe this is it, and could be a perfect harmony folks will LOVE.
Upstairs there was a chill area with tons of art, and I sat right next to my friend that took me to the pub without even realizing it at first. I also sat in front of one of the Mexican Sugar Skull alters with a huge piece of illuminated quartz as well. Staring into the eyes of that skull fed me some seriously deep lessons and reminders about mortality, death, as well as life. I felt the presence of friends that have passed away speaking to me, telling me to do all the things they cannot, and really step up to the plate before it's too late - this hit me HARD. This experience was like looking into the abyss - which I recently described in a song I have been writing with a couple other local emcees - profound synchronicity.
In my mind (before the event), I kept pressuring myself to take some form of mind-altering blessing later in the evening, which is pretty much the norm with these kind of gatherings. Although I typically don't anyway, I often reminisce about the unparalleled serendipity I would attract when I would delve in those things often when I was slightly younger, and in that thought... it finally clicked. I realized that I did not, and should not do anything I did not want to. Even though I knew it would likely wake me up, and potentially put me on the same elevated wavelength as most everyone else, I just wasn't feeling it, cautious of my lightheadedness becoming too much with such actions. I carry this lesson close to the chest now in everything I decide on a daily basis. Don't just do things for others if you feel wrong about it, instead only do it for you when you know it's best.
As a corollary to the previous epiphany (directly above), I also realized that you don't actually need to delve into physical mind altering endeavors to achieve a connection to that vibration - you only ever need to set your midframe and essence of being to align with that vibration. Doing this will naturally attract folks to you, as it did immediately after realizing and applying this, when I was still standing in front of the venue, and was approached by the promoters (as described above). More simply put, if you can keep yourself in a good mood despite past or even current trauma, people with similar vibrations will gravitate towards you to take part in and enhance your glow. This concept is not as complicated to apply as I had previous thought my entire life, and requires nothing more than an elevated form of yourself - that's just you, in a perpetual good mindset and mood.
While I was "dance-walking" room to room throughout the evening and just enjoying every morsel and nuance of beauty and positive vibration this event had to offer, it also dawned on me that I no longer (or ever) had to carry the mental and emotional weight of recent (within the past 3 years) traumas that have been draining my lifeforce for far too long. Even though many things happened that most humans should rightly feel hurt by, I know now that none of it even matters, as none of it was my fault, and had nothing to do with me.
I was even able to let go of worry about whether or not universal justice will still eventually be served to those that wronged me... remembering the immense blessings I currently have before me, along with recognizing the diverse blessings about to manifest soon. I have a lot of good coming my way after a whole lot of darkness that I somehow stayed strong enough through to manifest an intense amount of creative creations. It is a huge breathe of relief and release of a huge weight and tightness on my chest that I sorely needed to disappear. Forever grateful for this extremely powerful lesson.
Manufactured by the monarchs, for the benefit of those in power, to avoid empowerment of those without. Realizing that our language is purposely constructed to separate and disempower us as a people, completely shifted my midframe about how to approach writing and vocalizing lyrics I create. As an emcee and a writer, this is even more vital to understand.
This epiphany came about as a result of my conversation with my friend at the event about my confusion of how we refer to non-binary folks as they, when you are actually referring to a singular person. I was and have been perplexed by how this makes sense grammatically, and although I 100% understand and respect the concept (and those who choose it as their gender) of nonbinary, using the form in everyday speech had been tripping me up. This is due to the indoctrination of the English language still instilled in me of how a person can only be one thing, crushing our infinite potential, and enslaving our minds into a self made prison on non-expansion. This realization allowed me to see the glass and brake past it forever.
I recorded some lifted video with etheric spells of healing and prosperity being casted on the crowd by those on stage. Let the amazingly enchanting music and muses lift you to a higher existence as they did mine. Do not be afraid, embrace the healing and reprogramming, trusting my word that the humans behind this majik are legit, having the best interest of all humanity at heart.
This was the absolute BEST Halloween of my life. Even divine timing - seeing two people that hurt me leave the building as I was about to enter upon my arrival. Grateful for every part. I will also have a part 2 that really shows off some shadow-casting with silk fans coming up soon as well. The lack of images are due to the divine nature of most of the event I did not want to document photographically. I only recorded video of the stage-crowd area, but there was much more to it. You have to be there to experience the rest. See you next year.
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