There's no denying that these times we're experiencing are hitting hard. The earthquake that devastated areas of Turkey and Syria is yet another development in an astonishingly all-encompassing process of change that involves us all. I've said in previous posts that these would be a year of revelations when the collapse of civilization, more or less symbolic in previous years, would take on a much more literal meaning. Here it is.
The Rune of the day advises us to shed all pride, to admit that the circumstances are well beyond our control and that we have to become something else in order to work through the chaos. There are so many things that we can and should leave behind: beliefs, ideas, opinions, even the sense of loyalty toward this or that group, this or that activity. We sure can try to resist, but it's going to make our lives pretty miserable, so we'd better be ready to kneel, to accept the fallibility of our judgment.
Not all is terrible, fortunately. This change, as cataclysmic as it may seem at all levels, brings us the unique opportunity to redeploy our talents, reconfigure our priorities and open our perspectives. We can integrate these challenges to find unity and collaboration. We can be better together or we can struggle as individuals, the choice remains with us!
Resistance. There is a sensation that something is missing, that a piece has yet to fit into place and a wall is yet to fall. Your desire to take action appears to be blunted by circumstance; the tension may be resolved by looking inward instead of outward. Evolution has a price, acknowledge it and pay it willingly. In order for the butterfly to soar, the caterpillar must die and the chrysalis must be left behind. The whole world is shedding a skin, the transformation cannot be stopped, turning a blind eye will only leave you unprepared. Pride is not self-love, stubbornness is not certainty; accepting the difficulty is the first step in overcoming it. Knowledge graces the open mind as blessings descend upon the open heart.
Resistencia. Hay una sensación de que algo falta, de que una pieza aún no está en su sitio y un muro aún no ha caído. Tu deseo de tomar acción parece ser embotado por la circunstancia; la tensión puede resolverse viendo hacia el interior en lugar del exterior. La evolución tiene un precio, reconócelo y págalo voluntariamente. Para que la mariposa vuele, la oruga debe morir y la crisálida debe ser dejada atrás. El mundo entero está quitándose una piel, la transformación no puede detenerse, hacerte la vista gorda sólo te dejará sin preparación. El orgullo no es amor propio, la testarudez no es certidumbre; aceptar la dificultad es el primer paso para superarla. El conocimiento honra a la mente abierta como las bendiciones descienden sobre el corazón abierto.
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