Feria de la Miel, Maní, Mango y Merey / Honey, Peanut, Mango and Merey Fair


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    Published on Sep 25, 2022
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    Hola feliz domingo, a principio de este mes fui a la Feria agroindustrial que se realizo acá en el Tigre, donde participaron varias empresas y emprendimientos locales para dar a conocer un poco mas de sus productos, esta Feria llevaba por nombre Feria de la miel, maní, mango y merey reflejando alguno de alimentos que se producen acá en la zona, esta feria consto de 2 día inicio el 8 de septiembre y culmino el 9. En este short podrán apreciar escenarios de la feria donde muestro algunas empresas y emprendimiento que hicieron acto de presencia en este lugar.


    Hello happy Sunday, at the beginning of this month I went to the agro-industrial fair that was held here in El Tigre, where several companies and local enterprises participated to show a little more of their products, this fair was called Fair honey, peanuts, mango and cashew reflecting some of the foods that are produced here in the area, this fair consisted of 2 days start on September 8 and ended on 9. In this short you can see scenarios of the fair where I show some companies and entrepreneurship that made an appearance in this place.




    Me sorprendió fue la gran cantidad de emprendimiento que hay en la zona, algunos daban muestra de su producto y mientras te explicaban el proceso para obtenerlo, otros solo te daban volantes y te explicaban que producto elaboraban, otra cosa es que me dieron algunos volantes con descuentos es decir que con ese volante ibas y comparabas y te daban un descuento en sus productos o servicios porque habían empresas de servicios.

    I was surprised by the large amount of entrepreneurship in the area, some gave samples of their product and while they explained the process to get it, others just gave you flyers and explained what product they made, another thing is that they gave me some flyers with discounts that is to say that with that flyer you went and compared and they gave you a discount on their products or services because there were service companies.


    Me pareció muy entretenida este Feria, probé un rico café que laboran aquí este tiene un tostado medio por ende es un café suave en sabor y era un poco cítrico, es que pude percibir al probar este, las personas que nos atendieron fueron amables acá es donde me pare mas rato mientras un señor no explicaban del café y donde estaban ubicados.

    I found this fair very entertaining, I tasted a rich coffee that they work here, this has a medium roast so it is a mild coffee in flavor and was a little citrus, is that I could perceive to try this, the people who attended us were friendly here is where I stopped more time while a gentleman did not explain the coffee and where they were located.



    Algo que me pareció curioso, es que habían varias productos derivados del merey a de la semilla y la fruta como tal, entre esto estaba el aceite, la harina, la leche, el dulce y semillas tostada como tal, las personas que son parte de ese emprendimiento comentaron que vendían quesillo de merey y que este se le había culminado que es demasiado sabroso, ahora tengo la curiosidad de probarlo a ver que tan cierto es esto.

    Something that I found curious, is that there were several products derived from cashew seed and fruit as such, among this was the oil, flour, milk, sweet and toasted seeds as such, people who are part of this venture commented that they sold cashew cheese and that this had culminated that it is too tasty, now I'm curious to try it to see how true this is.



    Para esta feria, fui el ultimo día y había mucha gente solo graba el espacio no pude grabar mucho la parte con voz porque había música de fondo, así que solo en el video van aprovechar es el cierre donde pude hablar ya que en ese instante habían apagado la música.

    For this fair, I went the last day and there were many people just recording the space I could not record much of the part with voice because there was background music, so only in the video will take advantage is the closing where I could talk because at that moment they had turned off the music.



    Música tomada de Filmora

    Thanks for your support, see you in the next post Kisses!

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