The sequel is the movie El Camino which tells the story of Pinkman after the events of Breaking Bad, and the prequel is obviously Better Call Saul where we learn how this lawyer became the charismatic Saul Goodman.
I never imagined Better Call Saul would get as close, regarding the enjoyment it can provide to the fans, as Breaking Bad. The character of James McGill/Saul Goodman changes a lot throughout the entire series, and this character development is among the best ones I have ever seen. In a way, Jimmy/Saul is a special type of evil genius usually capable of tricking his way out of trouble.
He did a lot of questionable things throughout the series, and these last episodes are mostly about finally facing the consequences for everything he did. Apart from that, we will also see some valuable moments that directly connect this series to Breaking Bad, and ultimately, it provides an acceptable ending for the 2 main characters of this series, Jimmy/Saul and Kim, whom I was actually worried about because as all the fans of the franchise know, she doesn't appear in Breaking Bad even though she is the second most important character in Better Call Saul.
This finale left me happy with how the story truly ends, and I am amazed that Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould were able to create such a compelling story lasting 11 seasons between the 2 series and there is also the film. Absolutely amazing.
La secuela es la película El Camino que cuenta la historia de Pinkman después de los eventos de Breaking Bad, y la precuela es obviamente Better Call Saul donde aprendemos cómo este abogado se convirtió en el carismático Saul Goodman.
Nunca imaginé que Better Call Saul se acercaría tanto, con respecto al disfrute que puede proporcionar a los fanáticos, a Breaking Bad. El personaje de James McGill/Saul Goodman cambia mucho a lo largo de toda la serie, y este desarrollo de personaje es uno de los mejores que he visto. En cierto modo, Jimmy/Saul es un tipo especial de genio malvado generalmente capaz de engañar a su manera para salir de los problemas.
Hizo muchas cosas cuestionables a lo largo de la serie, y estos últimos episodios son principalmente sobre enfrentar finalmente las consecuencias de todo lo que hizo. Aparte de eso, también veremos algunos momentos valiosos que conectan directamente esta serie con Breaking Bad, y en última instancia, proporciona un final aceptable para los 2 personajes principales de esta serie, Jimmy/Saul y Kim, quien en realidad me preocupaba porque como todos los fanáticos de la franquicia saben, ella no aparece en Breaking Bad a pesar de que es el segundo personaje más importante de Better Call Saul.
Este final me dejó contento con cómo termina realmente la historia, y me sorprende que Vince Gilligan y Peter Gould hayan podido crear una historia tan convincente que dura 11 temporadas entre las 2 series y además está la película. Absolutamente increíble.
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Coma-Media from pixabay
About DedicatedguyWriting about various topics, learning about the ever-expanding crypto world, and doing a little bit of trading is how I spend most of my days. My preferred forms of entertainment are films, series, European football, and a good book from time to time. I chose "dedicatedguy" as my username to constantly remind myself about the importance of consistency and dedication in order to achieve any desired result we might want in life. If this post provided something of value to you, any type of positive interaction such as a comment, reblog, or upvote is highly appreciated. ❤️ |
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