I broke my board doing 360 kickflip🛹 [Eng/Esp]


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    Published on Sep 09, 2022
    About :

    🛹Hello Hive Community🛹

    🛹Hola, Comunidad de Hive🛹

    Friends I am in total shock after my board broke, I was warmed up with some tricks and just started recording kickflips and nollie kickflips and since I had just done a good 360 flip I wanted to add it to the warm-up and on the first try the board broke.

    Amigos estoy en total shock despues de que quebre mi tabla, estaba calentado con algunos trucos y justo empeze a grabar kickflips y nollie kickflips y como venia de hacer buenos 360 flip quise añadirlo al calentamiento y en el primer intento la tabla se partio.

    It was super crazy, I didn't think I could break it, I wanted the video to be doing Nollie 360 flip and I couldn't. I hope you enjoy the video

    Fue super loco, no pense que podia partirla, queria que el video fuera haciendo Nollie 360 flip y no pude. Espero disfruten el video

    If you like skate content, visit @skatehive for more content.

    Si te gusta el contenido de skate, visita @skatehive para mas contenido.

    The videos were recorded with a Xiaomi Redmi 10.

    Los videos fueron grabados con un Xiaomi Redmi 10.

    Edit:@davixesk8 "David"

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    skatehive skateboard davixesk8 venezuela palnet neoxian sportstalk pob vyb originalcreator

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