The talent here on threespeak and the hive community is awesome.
If this is your first visit here and you like this kind of content or you
just want to have a look around, your in for a treat.
If you are a blogger, poet, musician, band, journalist, artist, dancer, chef,
whatever you like come and get involved and meet other people in your genre.
Hive is decentralized blogging platform and threespeak is my favorite alternative
to YouTube a plug in dapp powered by hive. Both are censorship resistent, so your not
going to be closed down for having an opinion. We are all adults so we should know
what kind of stuff isn't acceptable so I really encourage you to have a look around.
You may even find that if your quite consistent and deliver quality content then you
could get rewarded when other people upvote your content.
2 Link up your hive account with threespeak also referred to
as 3speak at https://3speak.online
So i'm back with a very chilled tune quite meditative that I actually heard been used in the back
ground of tik tok listed as moppy sound ambient piano. I'm trying to find out who wrote
this but so far have only found a 15 minute looped version on youtube and im not sure if
the link I found that took me to sound cloud is where the writer first posted it there.
Does anyone here have any idea?
Personally I think it's beautiful and I certainly got lost in this. I think if you close your eyes it will
have a soothing affect on you, if your feeling a bit stressed it will help to calm you down.
If you need uplifting it may help to motivate you maybe inspire you.
The power of music is awesome. Music can reach the mind and soul deeper than words and if this
does uplift you then I'm 100% happy that i shared this with you.
Well before I go i will give another shout out to @lyon-89 who I did a collaberation in my last video,
He is an awesome talented beat maker singer musician and if you give him credit he will allow you
to use his beats. He never asked me for any money but I thought it was only fair to share the rewards
from my last video.
I'm looking for more collaborations plus I have not yet appeared in the open mic section of hive so
I will be getting involved soon.
For those musicians here who have a tik tok account, i think it would be cool if we change our link
to threespeak to help promote this talented platform. Who will join me?
Catch you soon Saxy People :)
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