Hello my dear #Hive Champions and SWC, how are you today? I hope you are super well, for today I want to share with you a very effective routine for the growth of the triceps on the chest at home, with our own body weight.
For today's routine we are going to work as follows: 15 repetitions for each exercise and we are going to be leaving only 1 minute of rest between one exercise and another, as you go through the routine if you feel that one minute is not enough they can take a little longer but the idea is to have only 1 minute of rest so that the routine is effective with a good intensity. We must repeat this routine a total of 3 times to be effective.
• Ejercicio #1: Extensiones de Tríceps: 15 Repeticiones | 1 minuto de descanso.
• Exercise #1: Triceps Extensions: 15 Repetitions | 1 minute of rest.
• Ejercicio #2: Flexiones en X: 15 Repeticiones | 1 minuto de descanso.
• Exercise #2: X Pushups: 15 Repetitions | 1 minute of rest.
• Ejercicio #3: Flexiones Escalonadas: 16 Repeticiones (8 de cada lado) | 1 minuto de descanso.
• Exercise #3: Staggered Push-ups: 16 Repetitions (8 on each side) | 1 minute of rest.
• Ejercicio #4: Flexiones de Cerrada a Abierta: 16 Repeticiones (8 de cada una).
• Exercise #4: Push-ups from Closed to Open: 16 Repetitions (8 of each one).
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