Proceso de grabación del segundo tema de Indeleble
Hello, Hivers. On this occasion I would like to show you part of what was the recording process of the second single of my band "Indeleble", which has already been formed for two years. I am the founder, producer and bass player of this band that already has a single and a music video, which I will be showing you soon. This process was quite interesting and full of very good energy where my vocalist "Anabella Cabrera" stood out in a magnificent way in her work of recording the voices, since this time it was her turn to do the recording of her voice and chorus, made by herself, I hope to show you more of this process soon.
Soy de tí | I'm from you
Gracias por el apoyo y espero que les agrade este pequeño video preparado con mucho cariño para ustedes.
Thank you for your support and I hope you like this little video prepared with love for you.
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