🎧 ELECTRIC BASS PRACTICE//PRÁCTICA DE BAJO ELÉCTRICO🎧 - 🎸Cover: The Kids Aren’t Alright | Band//Banda: The Offspring 🎸


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    Published on Oct 20, 2020
    About :

    "The Kids Aren’t Alright"
    The Offspring

    9 de cada 10 (2).gif


    What's up, Hivers. In this week of bands that moved the 90's, it is necessary to talk more about "The Offspring", a band that was also part of that musical movement that moved the millennial youth mass. This North American band has countless songs that were part of the most requested music and radio stations, especially Mtv, which was very popular back in the late 90's and early 2000's. Let's talk a little about the discography of this punk Rock band, according to various interviews and opinions of some fans, their first two record works (The Offspring and Ignition) were among the best of them,

    Although the distribution of this album was made only in the United States, at that time it did not have a sale outside the United States, although with the passing of the years and technological advances the world could know these first works. As I talked about in their previous post, the following works had mixed opinions, referring to the fact that it was very commercial and they abandoned the initial style and others loved that new sound. Currently we are still waiting for their last album that in mid-2019, the band's guitarist offered an interview claiming that they are about to release a new album, so let's wait to see what The Offspring brings us again

    Image Source//Fuente de la Imagen


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    Image Source//Fuente de la Imagen

    Que tal, Hivers. En esta semana de bandas que movieron la década de los 90´s, es necesario hablar más de “The Offspring” banda que también formó parte de ese movimiento musical que movió la masa juvenil millenial. Esta banda norteamericana cuenta con un sinfín de canciones que formaron parte de los más pedidos de las televisoras de música y radios, en especial Mtv, que era muy popular por allá por finales de los 90´s y principio de los 2000´s. hablemos un poco de la discografía de esta banda de punk Rock, según varias entrevistas y opiniones de algunos fans, sus dos primeros trabajos discográficos (The Offspring e Ignition) fueron de los mejores de ellos, a pesar de que la distribución de este álbum se realizó solo en los estados unidos, para aquel entonces no tuvo una venta fuera del territorio estadounidense, aunque con el pasar de los años y los avances tecnológicos el mundo pudo conocer estos primeros trabajos. Como hablé en el post anterior de ellos, los siguientes trabajos tuvieron opiniones encontradas, referentes a que era muy comercial y abandonaron el estilo inicial y otros les encantó ese nuevo sonido. Actualmente aún estamos en espera de su último disco que a mediados de 2019, el guitarrista de la banda ofreció una entrevista alegando que están próximos a sacar nuevo disco, así que esperemos a ver que nos trae de nuevo The Offspring


    "The Kids Aren't Alright" is one of the most popular songs on his fifth studio album entitled "Americana" and has songs that raised the public on each stage where they performed, being one of those that caused more euphoria in the Woodstock 99 festival. This song reached a prestigious position in billboard magazine, and the music video was also in the top 10 most requested on Mtv. Nostalgia for times gone by sensitizes those who remember having enjoyed that time, in some guilds, called the Mtv era.

    Image Source//Fuente de la Imagen

    ““The Kids Aren’t Alright” es uno de los tema más sonados de su quinto álbum de estudio titulado “Americana” y cuenta con temas que hicieron levantar el público en cada tarima donde se presentaban, siendo uno de los que causó más euforia en el festival Woodstock 99. Este tema alcanzó un puesto de prestigio en la revista billboard, además el video musical llegó a estar en los 10 más pedidos de los Mtv. La nostalgia por las épocas pasadas sensibiliza a los que recuerdan haber disfrutado esa época, en algunos gremios, llamada la época Mtv.

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    Image Source//Fuente de la Imagen


    "The Kids Aren’t Alright" - The Offspring(Bass Cover)

    When we were young the future was so bright
    The old neighborhood was so alive
    And every kid on the whole damn street
    Was gonna make it big and not be beat
    Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
    The kids are grown up but their lives are worn
    How can one little street
    Swallow so many lives
    Chances thrown
    Nothing's free
    Longing for what used to be
    Still it's hard
    Hard to see
    Fragile lives, shattered dreams
    Jamie had a chance, well she really did
    Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
    Mark still lives at home cause he's got no job
    He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot
    Jay committed suicide
    Brandon OD'd and died
    What the hell is going on
    The cruelest dream, reality
    Chances thrown
    Nothing's free
    Longing for what used to be
    Still it's hard
    Hard to see
    Fragile lives, shattered dreams
    Chances thrown
    Nothing's free
    Longing for what used to be
    Still it's hard
    Hard to see
    Fragile lives, shattered dreams

    composers: Bryan Keith Holland


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