Hi everyone
This is a short video showing the location of a hidden treasure chest that can be found early on in Baldur's Gate 3.
Just outside the Nautiloid there is a cliff...
See that light coloured rock down in the cove? We need to get down there.
Use the jump skill to get down the cliff...
We take some damage and a short stun but nothing serious, just a pint or 2 of blood loss...
When we approach the rock we will perform a nature perception check, this is done automatically.
If the skill check is successful we will notice deep groves around the rock. If the skill check is failed we wont be able to move the rock but we can try this check with all 3 of the characters in our party. If all 3 fail to notice anything we can re load a save to try again.
When the skill check is successful the rock will light up and can now be moved.
Clicking on the rock allows us to drag it to move it revealing a treasure chest.
Potions of speed are really useful, they allow a charcter to perform more actions per turn.
The main reason to come here is for this ruby which has a value of 1600 gold pieces, a huge amount in the early game.
There is also a treasure map which is not currently active in the early access but I believe this will lead to another hidden treasure chest in the full game.
We also have a Harpers note book.
Well that's it, I just wanted to share this cool little secret area of the wilderness area in Baldur's Gate 3, time to head back to Shadowheart and Astarion.
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