Apologize - Timbaland (feat. OneRepublic) (Vocal cover by @carminasalazarte) [ENG/ESP]


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    Published on Feb 04, 2023
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    English Version

    Hello to everyone in the Music community! Today I bring you a new cover but this time of a band with a very different style than I'm used to bring here. This is the song by the American band OneRepublic, titled 'Apologize'. There are two versions of this song; number one is the one released by the band in the album 'Dreaming Out Loud' in 2006, where only the voice of vocalist Ryan Tedder is featured and then there is the remix of the same song and that belongs to the artist Timbaland, in his 2007 album called 'Shock Value'. Therefore, the track I have chosen to interpret this one is the second option because it was the first version that I knew and also, I like it much more than the original.

    With a sweet and melancholic melody, the lyrics talk about forgiveness. In this case, a couple's relationship where one of the parties decides to end the bond they had. The lament is when the other person feels betrayed because her lover had sworn some time ago that their union would last forever. The person who leaves apologizes but it is very difficult for the other party to accept the apology and decides that it is too late. It can be seen as the difficulty to face certain realities because all of us who have been in love know that there is no greater pain and fear than losing the other. However, that does not mean that this feeling will remain forever, little by little everything will heal and those apologies will be accepted. And well, in any case, asking for forgiveness is an act of love and courage and few people say or receive it.

    Finally my friends I hope you enjoy this interpretation, who as always I try to do better and better work. Although I am not professional about it, my work is always full of love, effort and quality. I send you a big hug, have a great weekend and if you have any comments to leave about it, I will be reading them. You can also leave me suggestions of songs you want me to play. See you next time.

    Versión en Español

    ¡Hola a todos en la comunidad de Music! El día de hoy les traigo un nuevo cover pero esta vez de una banda con un estilo muy diferente al que estoy acostumbrada a traer por aquí. Se trata de la canción del grupo estadounidense OneRepublic, titulado ´Apologize´. Existen dos versiones de este tema; el número uno es el lanzado por la banda en el album ´Dreaming Out Loud´ en el año 2006, donde solo se cuenta con la voz del vocalista Ryan Tedder y luego está el remix de la misma canción y que pertenece al artista Timbaland, en su disco del 2007 llamado ´Shock Value´. Por lo cual, la pista que he escogido para interpretar esta es el de la segunda opción pues fue la primera versión la que conocí y además, me gusta mucho más que la original.

    Con una melodía dulce y melancólica, la letra nos habla sobre el perdón. En este caso, una relación de pareja donde una de las partes decide terminar con el lazo que tenían. El lamento está cuando la otra persona se siente traicionada pues su amante, le había jurado tiempo atrás que su unión sería por siempre. La persona que deja pide disculpas pero para la otra parte es muy difícil aceptar estas y decide que es muy tarde para ello. Puede verse cómo la dificultad para afrontar ciertas realidades pues todos quienes hemos estado enamorados sabemos que no hay dolor y miedo más grande que perder al otro. Sin embargo, eso no significa que esa sensación permanecerá eternamente, poco a poco todo sanara y se aceptaran esas disculpas. Y bueno, en todo caso, pedir perdón es un acto de amor y valentía y pocas personas lo dicen o reciben.

    Finalmente amigos míos espero que disfruten mucho de esta interpretación, quién como siempre trato de realizar trabajos cada vez mejores. Aunque no soy profesional sobre ello, siempre mi trabajo está lleno de amor, esfuerzo y calidad. Les envío un fuerte fuerte abrazo, que tengan un grandioso fin de semana y si tienen algún comentario que dejar por aquí al respecto, los estaré leyendo. También pueden dejarme sugerencia de canciones que quieran que interprete. Ahora sí, nos vemos en la próxima oportunidad.


    Im holding on your rope
    Got me ten feet off the ground
    And I'm hearing what you say
    But I just can't make a sound
    You tell me that you need me
    Then you go and cut me down, but wait
    You tell me that you're sorry
    Didn't think I'd turn around and say
    That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
    Too late, oh
    I'd take another chance, take a fall
    Take a shot for you
    And I need you like a heart needs a beat
    But it's nothing new, yeah yeah
    I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
    And you say sorry like the angel
    Heaven let me think it was you
    But I'm afraid
    It's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late, whoa
    It's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, yeah, too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, yeah, too late
    I'm holding on your rope
    Got me ten feet off the ground



    Artist/Artista: Timbaland
    Song/Canción: Apologize
    Album/Álbum: Shock Value
    Year/Año: 2007

    Music track used in the following source


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    vocal cover music vocalcover song video appreciator neoxian palnet threespeak

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